Livestock Research for Rural Development 24 (3) 2012 Guide for preparation of papers LRRD Newsletter

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Physical properties and critical mineral concentration of mineral waters commonly consumed by camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Jijiga District, Eastern Ethiopia

Temesgen Desalegn and Y K Mohammed*

Madawalabu University, School of Agriculture, Department of Animal and Range Sciences PO Box 247, Bale-Robe, Ethiopia. Mob. +251912159506
* Haramaya University, School of Animal and Range Sciences, PO Box 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia.


The study was carried out in the Somali National Regional State in Jijiga district. The objective of the study was to assess some critical mineral elements in the mineral waters commonly consumed by camels in both the wet and the dry seasons. In the study district two places, Biya’ada and Golajo’o are commonly known as the sources of mineral water for camels. The mineral water samples were collected from both locations in both the wet and the dry seasons for analysis of both physical and chemical properties.

The mean concentration of macro and trace elements (ppm) in Biya’ada and Golajo’o were Ca (127, 74.4); Mg (10.3, 7.29); K (27.6, 0.93); Na (197, 106); P (0.04, 0.03); Fe (0.78, 0.68); Mn (1.33, 0.44); Zn (0.32, 0.30) and Cu (0.25, 0.23), respectively. High concentration of Ca (P<0.01), K (P<0.05), Na (P<0.01) and Mn (P<0.001) was observed in Biya’ada mineral water. Magnesium concentration was significantly higher (P<0.01) in the wet season in the mineral waters. The interaction effect between seasons and locations was not significant. The mineral waters of Golajo’o and Biya’ada can contribute to the daily macro minerals requirements of 410kg (1.6 TLU) camel by about 8.6 to 15% Ca, 1.3 to 1.8% Mg, 20.1 to 38.3% Na, 1.2 -1.6 to <0.001% K and <0.0001% P in both locations, while their contributions of trace minerals are 7.87 to 9.03% Fe, 6.12 to 18.5% Mn, 2.09 to 2.22% Zn and 8.0 to 8.7% Cu, respectively.  

Key Words: Eastern Ethiopia, grazing animals, nutrient requirements, metabolism


Water is an important requirement for animals. It accounts for 50-80% of animal weight and is involved in every physiological process such as transports of nutrients and other compounds to and from cells, digestion and metabolism of nutrients, metabolic reactions, and elimination of waste materials by urine, faeces and respiration (NRC 2001). The water found in plants is absorbed directly from the ground, which in human and animals is obtained through the daily intake with food. Several factors such as physiological state, milk yield, dry matter (DM) intake, body size, rate and extent of activity, diet composition including types of feedstuffs, quantity of milk produced (Dahlborn et al 1998) influence the quantity of water intake (Holter and Urban 1992).  

In most tropical countries, grazing animals generally use surface water like rivers or lakes as well as the springs to satisfy their requirement of water. Because of the universal solvent action of water, many chemical elements and compounds are found as ions, molecules and radicals (Shirley 1985). The quality of ground water consumed by grazing animals is of much importance, especially with respect to their growth and reproduction (Fezeu et al 2006). Extensive analysis of surface water and ground water by geological, agricultural, and health agencies have demonstrated the presence at varying concentrations of all the known essential dietary mineral elements for animals and humans (McDowell 1992). In some parts of the world, the water available to animals is so saline that sodium and chlorine are ingested in quantities well beyond the requirements for these elements. Some hard waters also supply significant amounts of calcium, magnesium and sulfur and occasionally of other minerals (Underwood and Suttle 1999). According to the national research council (NRC 1974) NaCl and to lesser degree Ca and Mg may be present in significant quantities in water for some species. 

All the essential mineral elements occur in water. The availability of minerals in water solution is at least equal to that present in solid feeds or dry salt mixes (McDowell 1992). Shirley (1978) found that radioactive salts of 32P and 45Ca dissolved in water and administered to steer as a drench were absorbed at levels equivalent to those of the isotopes incorporated in forages from fertilizers. Chapman et al (1962) demonstrated that Cu in water solution was much more available to cattle than was Cu incorporated in dry feeds. 

In eastern lowlands of Ethiopia, some camel owners use various types of indigenous minerals such as rock salt, mineral soils, and aye or mineral water. The mineral composition of these materials has not been fully known except a little report made by Arsi Rural Development Unit (ARDU) to evaluate mineral soils (Kurtu et al 1989; Fikre 1990; Sisay et al 2007; Temesgen et al 2011) as mineral supplement for sheep and camels. The mineral status of grazing livestock, particularly the camel, in Ethiopia and other African countries have received little attention, thus information in this regard is generally lacking. 

Information on the concentration of critical minerals in indigenous mineral supplements like mineral water is crucial pre-requisite for improvement of the mineral deficiencies or toxicities of animals’ diets for improved performance. Therefore, this study was designed to assess the concentration of some critical mineral elements in the mineral waters commonly consumed by camels and its contribution to the daily requirements of camels in both the dry and the wet seasons.

Materials and methods

The study was conducted in the Somali National Regional State in Jijiga district. Geographically, Jijiga district lies at 8o 44’N longitude and 40o 22’E latitude (NAE 1984). The average elevation of the district is 1803 meters above sea level (Hailu 2008). Temperature of the district is generally high all the year round where the mean minimum and maximum temperatures are around 20oC and 35oC, respectively. The mean annual rain fall is 660 mm and bimodal. The rainfall condition in the district is generally low, unreliable and with uneven distribution. 

The study was carried out in Gebegabo, Dundumas, Dadigaben and Dhiba rural kebeles in the district.  These rural kebeles were selected on the basis of the potential of camel production, usage of mineral waters as mineral supplements for camels, accessibility and security for the study. In the study district two places, Golajo’o and Biya’ada, are commonly known as the sources of mineral water for camels. 

Samples collection and preparation 

The mineral water (which is spring water collected in small natural gorges) samples located in Golajo’o adjacent to mineral soil were collected from the watering area using eight plastic bottles from different gorges which fall approximately in the radius of 25 m in both the wet and the dry seasons. The sampled waters from closer gorges were mixed together and a total of four composite mineral water samples in each season were taken from Golajo’o for the analysis of pH, EC (Electrical Conductivity) and mineral concentration. The other four composite mineral water samples in each season were also collected from Biya’ada following the same procedures used for Golajo’o. 

pH and Electrical conductivity (EC) of mineral waters were measured immediately after collection of the samples. After measuring pH and EC, samples were passed through a 0.2 µm filter and then the samples were acidified with drops of HNO3 at 1:1water: acid ratio to keep the metal elements in solution awaiting analysis (Fezeu et al 2006). 

Analytical procedures 

The pH and EC of the mineral water were measured by using pH and EC meter (Model 118A-9-300D Belgium). The mineral concentrations (Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu) in mineral waters were analyzed by using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Model 210 VGP USA). Solutions were prepared by following the method described by AOAC (1995). Ca was determined by Gravimetric method and P was determined by photometric method according to AOAC (1995). 

Based on the assumption that camel drink about 31.3 L of water per day in hot dry season (Pallas 1986), the results of the chemical analysis of the waters were used to estimate the daily mineral intake of the animals from the different sources. Estimation assumed an average body weight of 410 kg per animal (1.6 TLU) and a daily feed intake of 9 kg DM (ILRI 2002). These figures were used in the calculation of the daily requirement of camel for the different minerals analyzed. In this respect, the following recommendation of the expected mineral composition per kg dry weight of forage was taken into consideration: 0.3% (Ca), 0.2% (Mg), 0.06-0.18% (Na), 0.6-0.8% (K), 0.25% (P), 40 mg kg-1 (Mn), 50 mg kg-1 (Fe), 30 mg kg-1(Zn) and 10 mg kg-1 (Cu) (McDowell and Arthington  2005). 

The data obtained on mineral composition of mineral waters were subjected to analysis of variance based on the model for completely randomized design in factorial arrangement with  2 (seasons) by 2 (locations) using the General linear Model (GLM) procedures of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS  2002). The statistical differences between means were estimated by LSD test.

Results and discussion


pH and electrical conductivity 

Analysis of results of the pH measurements for the mineral waters is presented in Table 1.  Variation of pH between locations was significant (P<0.001) with higher pH value in Biya’ada. A significant  variation was also observed in pH of water between the wet and the dry season, with higher pH in the wet season.  pH of mineral water from Golajo’o in the dry season was significantly lower than the pH in the wet season in the same location and in both locations (Golajo’o and Biya’ada) in the wet season. The recorded pH values in both seasons and locations fall within the acceptable range (6 and 8.5) for livestock (Socha et al 2003). The EC of mineral waters of the study areas are in the acceptable range for livestock according to Bagley et al (1997).  Bagley et al (1997) stated that waters with EC of 1.67 to 5.008 mS/cm (1000-2,999 ppm) are satisfactory for all classes of livestock and poultry. Kabaija (1989) also reported that well waters in the pastoral rangelands of Ethiopia contained elements in safe limits except medecho which contained total dissolved salts exceeding safe limits. The high levels of conductivity observed in the samples of water from Biya’ada (Table 1 and 3) directly indicate its relatively high content of minerals compared to Golajo’o. 

Seasonal variation in Electrical conductivity (EC) was not significant, while higher variation (P<0.001) was observed between locations with higher level in Biya’ada (Table 1).


Table 1: Physical characteristics and macro mineral concentrations (ppm) in mineral waters of   Golajo’o and Biya'ada locations as related to seasons







Significance level











 S*, L***,       SL**










EC (mS/cm)






Sns, L***, SLns













123 ±13.4

127 ±9.48x


Sns, L**, SLns



81.4 ±13.4

74.4 ±9.48y



102 ±6.2





12.6 ±1.44

8.02 ±1.44



S**, Lns, SLns


9.74 ±1.44

4.84 ±1.44




6.43 ±1.01b









Sns, L*, SLns












195 ±51.6

199 ±51.6

197 ±36.5x


Sns, L**, SLns


120 ±51.6

92.3 ±51.6

106 ±36.5y












Sns, Lns, SLns









a,b= means within a row not bearing a common superscript differ significantly;  x,y= means within a  column not bearing a common superscript differ significantly; S=season; L= location; SL =season vs location interaction; ns= not significant; *=P<0.05; **= P<0.01; ***=P<0.001; SE= standard error;  ppm= partspermillion; EC=electrical conductivity; mS/cm=milidecimen per centimeter.

Macro mineral concentration in mineral water 

Concentration of Ca in mineral waters varied from location to location with significantly high concentration in Biya’ada, while concentration between seasons was not different. Interaction effect of season by location was also not significant (Table 1). Estimation based on the recommended level of daily Ca for ruminants, mineral water from Biya’ada can satisfay about 15% of the daily requirement, while mineral water from Golajo’o can fulfill about 8.6% of Ca requirement of camels in the study area (Table 2). Thus, the mineral waters from both locations make good contributions to the daily mineral intake of browsing/grazing camels that drink from these sources. In a similar study, Fezeu et al (2006) reported mineral water from Vina Lahorč (Cameroon) can contribute between 45 to 46% of daily requirements of grazing cattle, while mineral waters from other locations contribute 1.3 to 5%. 

Magnesium content of mineral waters from different source did not significantly vary, while the variation between seasons was significant with higher concentration in the wet season (Table 1). Estimated Mg intake from both sources is low. From the Biya’ada estimated contribution to recommend daily intake was 1.8%, while from Golajo’o it was 1.3% (Table 2). Fezeu et al (2006) also reported that mineral water from Vina Lahorč (Cameroon) contributes very low amounts of Mg (0.003%) for cattle drink from it and waters from other locations contribute less than 0.001% of the daily requirements.


Table 2: Estimated average mineral intake of 410 kg camel from Biya'ada and Golajo'o mineral water


Ca ( gm)

Mg (gm)

K (gm)

Na (gm)

P (gm)

Fe (mg)

Zn (mg)

Mn (mg)

Cu (mg)

Daily requirement*






























*Calculated from a daily intake of 9 kg dry matter.

Significant variation of Na in mineral waters was observed between locations, with high concentration in Biya’ada. Effect of seasons and interaction effect of season by location were not significant (Table 1). Mineral water from Biya’ada source was observed to be a good source of Na for camels which drinks mainly from it. Estimates show that this source can contribute about 38.3% of the daily requirement of Na of 410 kg (1.6 TLU) camel. Estimates for Golajo’o shows that it can contribute about 20.1% of the daily requirement of Na of the camel (Table 2). Fezeu et al (2006) reported that mineral water from Vina Lahorč contribute daily requirement much higher (147 to 167%) than the recommended level for cattle. The same researcher also reported that mineral water  apart from Vina Lahorč  contribute only 6.3 to 14% of the daily requirement for cattle in Cameroon. This shows that locations could have significant effect on Na concentration in mineral water. 

Mineral water of Biya’ada contained significantly high concentration of K compared to Golajo’o. With regard to season and season by location interaction, there were no significant differences observed (Table 1). Potassium concentration (27.6mg/L, Table 1) in Biya’ada was found to be higher than recommended level for livestock (20 mg/L), which must be lower to 20 mg/L (Socha et al, 2003). Table 2 shows the estimated K intake of an average 410 kg camel from both water sources. From the Biya’ada source, estimated contribution to recommended daily intake will stand at 1.2 to 1.6% and less than 0.001% for the Golajo’o source, which is very low.  In a similar study, Fezeu et al (2006) reported that mineral water from Vina Lahorč represents about 2.6 to 2.9% of the recommended daily intake of K, while the other sources contribute about only 0.03 to 0.59% of the daily requirement  of cattle in Cameroon. 

No significant differences were observed between seasons, locations or season by location interaction for P concentrations. As indicated in Table 2, P concentration of mineral waters from both sources is extremely low to contribute to recommended daily requirements of average 410 kg camel. The estimated contribution of P from both sources is less than 0.0001%. 

Trace mineral concentration in mineral water 

Iron concentration was not significantly varied with seasons, locations or interaction between season and location. Based on the average concentrations of Fe in mineral waters (Table 2), estimated calculations indicate that the consumption of water from the Biya’ada source can cover up to 9.03% of the daily requirements of camel of this element, while water from Golajo’o source can cover up to 7.87% of their daily requirements. 

Variation on Mn concentration was observed between locations with significantly higher concentration of Mn in mineral water from Biya’ada source (Table 3). Manganese concentration in Biya’ada in the wet season was significantly higher than Mn concentration in Golajo’o in the wet season. However, difference on Mn concentration between seasons was not significant. Manganese levels (1.33 mg/L, Table 3) in mineral water from Biya’ada source was found to be higher than the recommended concentration in waters (0.5 mg/l) for livestock, which must be lower than 0.5 mg/L (Socha et al 2003). Based on the average concentrations of Mn in waters, estimated calculations indicated that the consumption of mineral water from Biya’ada source can contribute up to 18.5% of the daily requirements of Mn for the camels. Water from Golajo’o source can cover up to 6.12 % of the daily requirements of Mn for the camels drinking from this source (Table 2). In a similar study, Fezeu et al (2006) reported that mineral water from Vina Lahorč (Cameroon) can cover up to 1% of the recommended daily intake of Mn.


Table 3: Micro mineral concentrations (ppm) in mineral waters of Golajo'o and Biya'ada locations as related to seasons







Significance level











Sns, Lns, SLns
















Sns, L***, SL*
















Sns, Lns, SLns
















Sns, Lns, SLns









a,b= means within a row not bearing a common superscript differ significantly;  x,y= means within a  column not bearing a common superscript differ significantly; S=season; L= location; SL =season vs location interaction; ns= not significant; *=P<0.05; **= P<0.01; ***=P<0.001; SE= standard error;  ppm= partspermillion.

Significant variation was not observed between seasons, locations or interaction between season and location for Zn concentration in mineral waters. Concentration of Zinc from Biya’ada source (Table 2) shows that the water from this source can contribute up to 2.22% of the daily need of camels drinking from this source. Mineral water from Golajo’o by the same approach of estimation, can contribute about 2.09% of Zn requirements of camels drinking from this source.  In a similar study, Fezeu et al (2006) also reported that mineral waters from Vina Lahorč and other sources could contribute between 0.2 to 2.7% of the daily requirements of the grazing cattle drinking from those sources in Cameroon. 

Copper concentration in mineral waters was not significantly varied with seasons, locations or  season and location interaction. Using the same approach for estimating daily in takes (Table 2), water from Biya’ada source can contribute up to 8.7% of the daily requirements of camel, while mineral water from Golajo’o source can contribute up to 8.0% of the daily requirements of Cu of camel drinking from this source.



The authors wish to acknowledge Haramaya University for its support during data collection and for the provision of facilities; they also acknowledge the Agricultural Research and Training Section of the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization for funding this study; and all those who have contributed to the study. 


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Received 12 February 2012; Accepted 23 February 2012; Published 4 March 2012

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