Livestock Research for Rural Development 32 (8) 2020 | LRRD Search | LRRD Misssion | Guide for preparation of papers | LRRD Newsletter | Citation of this paper |
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of species on the macro and mineral profiles of some forages used for small ruminant animal in Turkey. Calcium contents of forages varied from 22.9 to 1.5 g/kg DM with highest being for Medicago sativa and lowest for Sinapsis arvensis. Phosphorus contents of varied widely from 1.5 to 4.6 g/kg DM with highest being for Polyganum aviculara and lowest for Convulus arvensis. Magnesium contents of forages ranged from 2.1 to 7.9 g/kg DM with highest being for Polyganum aviculare and lowest for Plantago lanceoata. Potassium contents of forages ranged between 12.3 to 26.0 g/kg DM, the lower value corresponding to Vicia lentis and the higher to Malva sylvestris. There were also significant differences among forages in terms of sodium content which ranged between 0.3 to 4.9 g/kg DM, the lower value corresponding to Polyganum aviculare and the higher to Rumex crispus. There were significant differences among forage species in terms of Iron contents which varied between 188.0 to 2885.0 mg/kg DM, the lower value corresponding toLathyrus sativus and the higher to Rumex crispus. There were significant differences among forages in terms of Zn contents which varied between 27.0 to 84.0 mg/kg DM, the lower value corresponding to Trifolium repens and the higher to Polyganum cognatum. Copper contents of forages varied widely from 13.0 to 23.5 mg/kg DM with highest being for Malva sylvestris and Rumex crispus and lowest for Sanguisorba minor. Manganese contents of forages varied from 38.5 to 93.5 mg/kg DM with highest being for Sinapsis arvensis and lowest for Medicago sativa. Forage species had a significant effect on the macro and micro mineral profiles of hays. All forages had a significant amount macro and micro minerals to support the growth and production of lamb and sheep.
Key words: macro mineral, micro mineral, sheep, forage
Native pasture consists of different plant species and provides not only energy and protein but also minerals for ruminant animals in the most parts of world. Deficiency and excess of minerals may cause poor performance in ruminants. There is need for the information about mineral contents of forages before recommendation of specially formulated mineral supplement can be made (Gazanfar et al. 2011). A lot of research have been conducted to determine the chemical composition, metabolisable energy and organic matter digestibility of plants grown in native pasture in Turkey (Kaplan et al 2014; Ceylan and Kamalak 2019; Durmaz and Kamalak 2019; Akbay et al. 2020), whereas much less effort has been diverted into minerals even though they also affect forage quality and may decrease feed intake when levels are low (Provenza, 1995). Macro and micro minerals may have also important role as a structural function in bones, as electrolytes in body fluids, as integral components of enzymes and other biologically important compounds (Bourne and Orr 1988).
The information about macro and micro mineral compositions of forages from different species grown in native pasture can be used in preventing some diseases associated with mineral deficiency and in formulation of diet to achieve the optimum performance of grazing small ruminant animals. Therefore the aim of the current study was to determine the effect of species on the macro and mineral composition on the forages grazed by small ruminant animals in Turkey.
Forages were collected at flowering stage in May, 2018 by hand in the campus of Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Kahramanmaras, Turkey (Figure 1). The collected sample of species were pooled and dried under shed until the constant weight. The soil of the study area is classified as Inceptisols which was formed on a colluvial serpentine-limestone parent material (Yilmaz et al 2000).
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Figure 1. Location of Kahramanmaras Province in Turkey (Wikipedia) |
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Figure 2. Mean monthly air temperature and rainfall distribution in Kahramanmaras in 2018 |
Dried forage samples were ground using a laboratory mill with 1 mm screen size for mineral analysis. Forage samples were subjected to wet-ashing process with hydrogen peroxide following three different steps. Firstly forage samples were kept at 145 ºC 75% microwave power for 5 minutes. Secondly forage samples were kept at 80 ºC 90% microwave power for 10 minutes. Finally forage samples were kept at 100 ºC 40% microwave power for 10 minutes in a wet-ashing unit (speed wave MWS-2 Berghof products + Instruments Harresstr.1. 72800 Enien Germany) resistant to 40 bar pressure (Mertens 2005a). After wet-ashing, macro and micro mineral contents of forage samples were analyzed using Inductively Couple Plasma Optical Emission Spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer, Optima 2100 DV, ICP/OES, Shelton, CT 06484-4794, USA) (Mertens 2005b). All mineral analysis was carried in duplicate.
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the effect of species on the macro and mineral composition on the forage samples. Significance between individual means was identified using the Tukey’s multiple range tests. Mean differences were considered significant at P<0.05.
The macro mineral profiles of some forage species are given in Table 1. Species had a significant effect on the macro mineral profiles. Calcium contents of forages varied from 22.9 to 1.5 g/kg DM with highest being for Medicago sativa and lowest for Sinapsis arvensis.
NRC (1985) suggested that calcium contents in the range of 0.2 and 0.82 % of DM are adequate for lamb and sheep at gestation and lactation stages respectively. As can be seen from Table 1, except for Sinapsis arvensis, calcium contents of forage species studied in the current study were higher than the upper value reported by NRC (1985). Ca contents of Medicago sativa, Vicia sativa and Lathyrus sativus obtained in the current experiment was consistent with the values reported by Feedipedia (2020).
Phosphorus contents of varied widely from 1.5 to 4.6 g/kg DM with highest being for Polyganum aviculara and lowest for Convulus arvensis. NRC (1985) suggested that phosphorus contents in the range of 0.16 and 0.38 % of DM are adequate for lamb and sheep at most production stages. As can be seen from Table 1, phosphorus contents of forage species studied in the current study were higher than the lower value reported by NRC (1985).
P contents of Medicago sativa, Vicia sativa and Lathyrus sativus obtained in the current experiment was consistent with the values reported by Feedipedia (2020).
Magnesium contents of forages ranged from 2.1 to 7.9 g/DM with highest being for Polyganum aviculare and lowest for Plantago lanceoata. NRC (1985) suggested that the minimum requirement of magnesium should be 0.12, 0.15 and 0.18 g/kg DM for growing lamb, pregnant and lactating ewe respectively. As can be seen Table 1, magnesium contents of forage species were higher those suggested by NRC (1985) for growing lamb, pregnant and lactating ewe. Mg contents of Medicago sativa and Vicia sativa obtained in the current experiment was consistent with the values reported by Feedipedia (2020).
Potassium content of forages ranged between 12.3 to 26.0 g/kg DM, the lower value corresponding to Vicia lentis and the higher to Malva sylvestris. Although potassium content of diets for lamb growth should be more than that 0.5 % of DM, the potassium content of diets for lactating sheep should be in the range of 0.7-0.8 of DM (NRC 1985). As can be seen Table 1, potassium contents of forages were higher those suggested by NRC (1985) for lamb and sheep. K content of Medicago sativa obtained in the current experiment was consistent with the values reported by Feedipedia (2020).
There were also significant differences among forages in terms of sodium content which ranged between 0.3 to 4.9 g/kg DM, the lower value corresponding to Polyganum aviculare and the higher to Rumex crispus. The sodium contents in the range of 1 to 4 g/kg DM are adequate for sheep at most production stages (Underwood 1981). Although sodium contents of forages such as Plantago lanceoata, Sinapsis arvensis, Lathyrus sativus, Trifolium repens, Malva sylvestris and Rumex crispus fell into this range, sodium contents of the other forages studied in the current experiment was lower than this range. Therefore it is likely that sodium deficiency will occur with sheep consuming forages such as Medicago sativa, Vicia lentis, Astragalus hamosus, Polyganum cognatum, Polyganum aviculare, Vicia sativa, Sanguisorba minor and Convulus arvensis from different species. Na content of Medicago sativa obtained in the current experiment was consistent with the values reported by Feedipedia (2020).
Table 1. Effect of species on the macro mineral composition (g/kg DM) of forages(n=2) |
Macro minerals |
Ca |
P |
Mg |
K |
Na |
Medicago sativa |
22.9b |
3.0c |
2.8fg |
18.1bc |
0.5e |
Vicia lentis |
14.6cd |
2.4ef |
2.8fg |
12.3c |
0.5e |
Plantago lanceoata |
31.5a |
1.9g |
2.1h |
15.6c |
6.0a |
Astragalus hamosus |
15.4cd |
2.4ef |
2.5gh |
17.6bc |
0.7ed |
Polyganum cognatum |
18.6bc |
2.7d |
3.8d |
14.0c |
0.6ed |
Polyganum aviculare |
12.1de |
4.6a |
7.9a |
16.5bc |
0.3e |
Sinapsis arvensis |
1.5f |
4.2b |
3.0ef |
25.8a |
1.1d |
Lathyrus sativus |
9.6ee |
2.2ef |
2.3gh |
18.8 abc |
1.7c |
Vicia sativa |
11.1de |
2.7d |
2.7fg |
16.7abc |
0.8ed |
Trifolium repens |
13.3de |
3.0c |
2.5gh |
19.0abc |
1.9c |
Sanguisorba minor |
11.9de |
2.2ef |
4.4c |
15.4c |
0.4e |
Malva sylvestris |
14.5cd |
4.4ab |
3.5de |
26.0a |
1.8c |
Convulus arvensis |
13.8de |
1.5h |
2.4gh |
14.4c |
0.3e |
Rumex crispus |
18.6bc |
3.0c |
5.6b |
23.2ab |
4.9b |
1.143 |
0.067 |
0.139 |
1.865 |
0.136 |
p |
<0.001 |
<0.001 |
<0.001 |
<0.001 |
<0.001 |
abc Column means with common superscripts do not differ at p <0.05 |
The micro mineral profiles of forages are given in Table 2. Species had also a significant effect on the micro mineral profiles of forages. There were significant differences among forage species in terms of Iron contents which varied between 188.0 to 2885.0 mg/kg DM, the lower value corresponding to Lathyrus sativus and the higher to Rumex crispus. NRC (1985) suggested that 30 mg /kg DM is adequate to meet the dietary iron requirements for all classes of sheep. On the other hand, a maximum tolerable level of Fe has been indicated as 500 mg Fe/kg DM (NRC 1980). As can be seen from Table 2, although Fe contents of most of forages studied in the current experiment was lower than a maximum tolerable level, the Fe contents of Plantago lanceoata and Rumex crispus were higher than that reported by NRC (1985). Fe content of Medicago sativa was lower than that reported by Feedipedia (2020).
There were significant differences among forages in terms of Zn contents which varied between 27.0 to 84.0 mg/kg DM, the lower value corresponding to Trifolium repens and the higher to Polyganum cognatum. Although Zn requirement of lamb for growth is 20 mg/kg DM, Zn requirement of sheep at most production stages is 33 mg /kg DM. The Zn contents of forages are higher than the adequate level of Zn. Therefore sheep grazing on these forages is not likely to suffer from zinc deficiency. Zn content of Medicago sativa was higher than that reported by Feedipedia (2020).
Table 2. Effect of species on the micro mineral composition (mg/kg DM) of forages (n=2) |
Micro minerals |
Fe |
Zn |
Cu |
Mn |
Medicago sativa |
457.5ef |
37.0fg |
15.0ab |
38.5h |
Vicia lentis |
396.5f |
36.0fgh |
19.5ab |
52.0de |
Plantago lanceoata |
1187.5b |
76.0b |
16.0ab |
54.5cde |
Astragalus hamosus |
382.5fg |
42.5def |
17.5ab |
72.0b |
Polyganum cognatum |
593.5c |
84.0a |
18.5ab |
61.0c |
Polyganum aviculare |
494.5e |
61.5c |
18.0ab |
48.5def |
Sinapsis arvensis |
519.0de |
60.50c |
15.5ab |
93.5a |
Lathyrus sativus |
188.0i |
45.5d |
15.5ab |
39.5gh |
Vicia sativa |
311.5gh |
33.5ghi |
14.0b |
47.5efg |
Trifolium repens |
285.0h |
27.0i |
14.5ab |
39.5gh |
Sanguisorba minor |
530.5de |
30.0hi |
13.0b |
40.5fgh |
Malva sylvestris |
502.5de |
58.0c |
16.0ab |
40.0fgh |
Convulus arvensis |
586.0c |
43.0de |
23.5a |
56.0cd |
Rumex crispus |
2885.0a |
39.0defg |
23.5a |
78.0b |
21.200 |
1.742 |
2.360 |
2.070 |
p |
<0.001 |
<0.001 |
<0.001 |
<0.001 |
abc Column means with common superscripts do not differ at p<005 |
Copper contents of forages varied widely from 13.0 to 23.5 mg/kg DM with highest being for Malva sylvestris and Rumex crispus and lowest for Sanguisorba minor. It is very difficult to give the exact dietary copper requirement of sheep since there are some factors affecting dietary copper requirement of sheep. There are considerable differences among sheep breeds in terms of efficiency in absorbing copper from feedstuffs. On the other hand, the amount of molybdenum in feedstuffs also effect of the dietary copper requirement of sheep. High level of molybdenum in feedstuffs induces the copper deficiency. However the copper contents of forage species is adequate for sheep since the copper contents of forage species higher than that (7-23 mg/kg DM) recommended by NRC (1985). Therefore, Cu contents of forages were higher those suggested by NRC (1985) for sheep. Cu content of Medicago sativa was higher than that reported by Feedipedia (2020).
Manganese contents of forages varied from 38.5 to 93.5 mg/kg DM with highest being for Sinapsis arvensis and lowest for Medicago sativa. Although exact dietary requirement of manganese for sheep is not known, 20 mg/kg DM of manganese should be adequate for sheep at most production stages (NRC 1985). Therefore manganese contents of forages studied in the current experiment were considerable higher than adequate level for sheep at most production stages. Mn content of Medicago sativa was lower than that reported by Feedipedia (2020).
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