Livestock Research for Rural Development 29 (7) 2017 | Guide for preparation of papers | LRRD Newsletter | Citation of this paper |
Alley cropping is a system of farming and soil conservation in dry land where erosion control hedges in the form of rows of legumes trees are closely planted meeting the contour lines. The study was conducted at the experimental garden of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University. It was conducted in October 2011 until September 2012. The experimental design used was randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 treatments of Alley cropping modified model, with three groups of slope as replication. The slope was between 10% to 15%. The model testing treatment was chosen by the alley width of 5, 10 and 15 m so there are three models. Parameters of the study were the productions of fresh forage, dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber and land equivalent ratio (LER).
Result of study showed based on fresh forage production and LER, AW5 (5 m alley width) is the best model. Increasing width of alley showed dry matter production increased and crude fiber decreased, but crude protein production increased.
Key words: crude protein, dry matter, land equivalent ratio
Gramineae class forage is a source of fiber for livestock, which acts as the driving factor of rumen activity to run normally, while on the type of legume forage is a source of crude protein and minerals for livestock. Forage portion in ruminant rations ranged from 40 to 80% of the total ration dry matter which needs approximately 1.5 to 3% of the live weight of cattle. Malnutrition limits the performance of herbivores during the dry season when the quality and quantity of natural grasslands decreased. In such conditions, shrubs and legume tree fodders are important source of additional protein, vitamins and minerals to cattle, while antinutritional factors such as polyphenols in tropical forage species can reduce the intake, digestibility and availability of nutrients that affect the productivity of ruminants (Debela et al 2011).
Alley cropping is a system of farming and soil conservation in dry land where erosion control hedges in the form of rows of legumes trees are closely planted meeting the contour lines, thus forming the hallways and crops are among the hedgerows (Mahallati et al 2014). Alley cropping is agroforestry systems offering a promising land use for a particular zone. In the same field, the production of food and biomass in a sustainable manner can be acquired simultaneously, especially in marginal areas, therefore ecological function can be improved. Research shows that the hall cultivation is ecologically beneficial for the use of land for sustainable food and biomass production systems compared to conventional farming practices. Cultivation hall can provide biomass resources in a sustainable manner and at the same time provide ecological benefits (Quinkenstein et al 2009).
This system is suitable to be applied on dry land with a slope of 3% to 40%. The distance between the rows of hedges is determined by the slope of the land and the ability of hedgerows to provide organic material. The rule which is commonly used is by selecting a vertical interval of about 1-1.5 m, with the distance between hedgerows is 10 m in maximum (Agricultural Ministry 2007). One technology that can meet the needs of rainfed agriculture in the plateau area is by giving external-low additional chemicals called alley cropping. This technology integrates trees and shrubs arranged in crop production systems (Ong et al 2000). The distance between hedgerows is 5 m and 10 m which have the same effective value in reducing erosion on a slope of 10% (Yaseen et al 2014). The strip intercropping system maintains the radiation absorption, radiation use efficiency, biological yield, land equivalent ratio, crowding coefficient and system productivity index better than the monoculture system. Increasing strip width from 2 to 5 rows results in a decrease of all the criteria measured (Mahallati et al 2014).
There are many researches on alley cropping, but how to maximize the use of dry land on a narrow sloping area to produce high, qualified and sustainable forage throughout the year is still interesting to study. Moreover, how to design and get the model of alley cropping, as well as to supply forage by combining Gliricidia, Psopocarpus and Hibiscus plants with Elephant grass in a field of dry soil with its narrow sloping area to obtain a sustainable production and quality throughout the year still need to be investigated. The purpose of this research is to get the best modification model of alley cropping.
The study was conducted at the experimental garden of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University. It was conducted in October 2011 until September 2012. Annual rainfal in research location was 2100 mm.
Land with an Oxisol soil types of 3 100 m2, which are divided into 9 plots measuring 10 x 30 m each, covering an area of 2 700 m2, is used for 3 models that are divided into 3 groups as replication slope. Four plots of land with an area of 10 x 10 m covering 400 m2 are used for monoculture planting of Gliricidia, Elephant grass, Psopocarpus and Hibiscus plants. Materials of planting needed are in the form of Gliricidia cuttings to the amount 1 024 rods with a length of 100 cm cuttings, Elephant grass cuttings in a number of 2 800 rods with 20 cm to 30 cm long cuttings or consists of two segments, Psopocarpus cuttings in a number of 940 rods with 30 cm to 50 cm long cuttings, Hibiscus cuttings amount to 1 144 rods with a length of 30 cm to 50 cm cuttings, and liquid organic fertilizer. Soil sampling was done compositely of all 12 experimental plots.
The experimental design used was randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 treatment of Alley cropping modified model, with three groups of slope as replication. The slope was between 10-15%. The model testing treatment was chosen by the alley distance of 5, 10 and 15 m so there are three models, namely:
Model I, with 5 m spacing alley crops, needs plots size of 10 x 30 m or an area of 300 m2, has 154 stems of Gliricidia plants, 300 Elephant grass clumps, 140 Psopocarpus stems and 99 Hibiscus stems.
Model II, with a distance of 10 m alley crop, needs plots size of 10 x 30 m or area of 300 m2, so it has 88 stems of Gliricidia plants, 300 Elephant grass clumps, 80 Psopocarpus stems and 121 Hibiscus stems.
Model III, with a distance of 15 m alley crops, needs 10 x 30 m plot size or an area of 300 m2, and it has 66 stems of Gliricidia plants, 300 Elephant grass clumps, 60 Psopocarpus stems and 138 Hibiscus stems.
Growth observed variables include: the productions of fresh forage, dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber and land equivalent ratio (LER). Planting materials cuttings are planted in experimental fields that have been prepared in accordance with the pattern of each model. Fertilizing with liquid organic fertilizer is conducted in early planting period and repeated after defoliation. Cutting the Elephant grass was forced to do when the plants are 45 days after planting. Gliricidia, Psopocarpus, and Hibiscus are forcibly cut 60 days after planting. Elephant grass production starts to be measured after forced cutting by cutting every 45 days. Production of Gliricidia, Psopocarpus and Hibiscus are measured by cutting every 60 days, after forced cutting. Proximate analysis done according AOAC (1975).
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Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) whixh is calculated based on Ekaka et al, 2012. |
LER = land equivalent ratio
Ye = yield of elephant grass under intercropping condition
Yme = yield of elephant grass under sole crop condition
Yg = yield of gliricidea under intercropping condition
Ymg = yield of gliricidea under sole crop condition
Yp = yield of psopocarpus under intercropping condition
Ymp = yield of psopocarpus under sole crop condition
Yr = yield of rosa sinensis under intercropping condition
Ymr = yield of rosa sinensis under sole crop condition
Data collected was processed to examine statistical hypothesis using the procedure of variance analysis, which is to find the effect of treatment towards observed variables and if there is a significant effect, it will be continued with LSD test (Steel and Torrie 1980) as well as analysis of land equivalent ratio (Ekaka et al 2012).
The diversity test results of the models influence towards the production of fresh forage was highly significant (P<0.01). Further test of Tukey HSD test (Table 1) showed a result that model AW5 (with alley distance of 5 m) was significantly different from AW15 (with alley distance of 15 m), while between AW5 and AW10 (with alley distance of 10 m), as well as AW10 and AW15 were not significantly different. AW5 and AW15 models are different due to the highest total proportions and number of plants is found in AW5. The largest to the smallest total amount in order is AW5, AW10, and AW15. When examined, three times cutting during wet months did not show significant different in fresh forage production, however, having merged with the fourth cut during dry months made the total amount became significantly different. The production and quality during dry months decline up to 50% of the wet months, as well as the availability of water does not support the growth of forage. Moreover, the slope of group 2 and 3 ranges between 10% to 15% that have different carrying capacity of fertility and the ability to store water from group 1 which is relatively flat and has a thicker top soil. This layer supports the physical, chemical, and biological fertility of the soil resulting ultimately in higher fresh forage production.
Table 1. Production of fresh forage (kg.300m2) (Elephant grass, Gliricidia, Psopocarpus, and Hibiscus) with a total of 4 times cutting in the modified alley cropping model. |
Forage |
5 m alley width |
10 m alley width |
15 m alley width |
Elephant grass |
1734a |
1288ab |
868b |
Gliricidia |
454a |
292ab |
256b |
Psococarpus |
57a |
53a |
39a |
Hibiscus |
10a |
8ab |
5b |
Total |
2244a |
1631ab |
1163b |
Description: S mall superscript letters which are different on the same line show significant differences (P <0.05) |
Calculation result of land equivalent ratio (LER) based on production of fresh forage is shown in Table 2. Table 2 shows the total LER in AW5 model with 5 m alley width = (1.24), AW10 model (with 10 m alley width) = (1.02) and AW15 model (with 15 m alley width) = (0.61). When examined according to type of plant on the AW5, AW10 and AW15, the LER in AW5 for Elephant grass, Gliricidia and Psopocarpus consecutively amounted = (0.43), (0.31) and (0.51), LER AW10 amounted = (0.32), (0.19) and (0.50 ), and LER AW15 amounted = (0.19), (0.18) and (0.23 ). LER results confirm that the modification of AW5 is the best model.
Table 2. Calculation results of Land Equivalent Ratio based on fresh forage production |
Parameter |
5 m alley
10m alley
I |
1.81 |
1.54 |
0.60 |
II |
1.41 |
1.38 |
0.79 |
1.17 |
0.75 |
0.67 |
IV |
0.59 |
0.42 |
0.38 |
Total |
1.24a |
1.02a |
0. 61b |
Description: a
means in the same row for each parameter with
different superscripts |
Alley cropping is one form of intercropping. The main concept of intercropping is to increase productivity and production reliability. In addition, intercropping provides greater yield stability than monocultures. Intercropping ensures the efficient use of resources greater. One of the causes that cause a higher yield in the intercropping is that component of plant can use different natural resources and that the use of natural resources is better than if the plants grow separately. Non-legume intercropping with legumes is a wise move, in which nitrogen is the nutrient that is limited in most types of soil. Legume intercropping increases fixed nitrogen input into cropping systems and nitrogen contribution to a greater extent to meet the needs of the plant. Theoretically, if the agro ecological characteristics of each plant has exactly the same mix, the total LER must be 1.0 and partial LER should be 0.5 for each. A higher total LER of 1.0 indicates the presence of positive interference between the mixture components of varieties or crops, and also means that any interspecific negative interference in this mixture was not as intensive as intraspecific interference in monoculture. The efforts to avoid competition for resources may occur in polyculture (Dariush et al 2006).
Mix LER value of tall wheat grass (Agropyron elongatum) and creasted wheat (Agropyron cristaturn) are higher than the monoculture of grass (1.08), a mixture of alfalfa (( Medicago sativa) and both types of grasses have LER 1.22 (Sengul 2003). Lupine intercropping with grass for two years had an average LER based on the highest dry weight (1.10). White lupine intercropping with legums in winter was 1. l5 and dry matter forage yield was 10.3 t ha -1 , while the white lupine intercropping with legums in the next winter produced forage dry matter yield of 8.7 t ha -1 and 1.04 LER (Mickic et al 2013). The advantages of the LER are that (a) it provides a standardized basis so that crops can be added to form ‘combined’ yields, (b) it can indicate competitive effects through comparison between individual LERs,and (c) it can be taken as a measure of the relative yield advantage (Lithourgidis et al 2011).
The production of dry matter, protein production and crude fiber production of forages was presented in Table 3. The highest production of dry matter was the dry matter production of elephant grass were significantly difference with Gliricidae, Psopocarpus and Hibiscus in every alley width. The highest crude protein production was the crude protein production of elephant grass that was significant difference by Gliricidae, Psopocarpus and Hibiscus in every alley width. The highest crude fiber production was the crude fiber production of elephant grass that significant difference by crude fiber production of Gliricidae, crude fiber production of Psopocarpus and crude fiber production of Hibiscus on each 5 m alley width and 10 m alley width. Dry matter production of Elephant declined with increasing width of alley. The dry matter production of Gliricidea, crude protein production and crude fiber production have no significant difference in the increasing width of the alley . The dry matter production of Psopocarpus, crude protein production and crude fiber production have no significant difference in the increasing width of alley . The dry matter production of Hisbiscus, crude protein production and crude fiber production have no significant difference in the increasing width of alley.
Table 3. Production of dry matter, crude protein production, and crude fibers production at alley cropping model (kg.300m2) |
Dry matter |
5 m alley width |
10 m alley width |
15 m alley width |
Elephant |
206.50a |
128.08 b |
91.80 bc |
Gamal |
51.75cd |
30.63 cd |
24.41cd |
Katuk |
5.09 d |
5.22d |
3.66 d |
Hibiscus |
3.28 d |
2.58 d |
1.70 d |
Crude protein |
Elephant |
10.88 a |
6.22 bc |
2.13 cd |
Gamal |
7.85ab |
4.50 bcd |
3.69 bcd |
Katuk |
0.72 d |
0.67 d |
0.54 d |
Hibiscus |
0.39 d |
0.32 d |
0.21 d |
Crude fiber |
Elephant |
78.65 a |
45.62 b |
15.19 c |
Gamal |
20.23 bc |
11.87 c |
9.43 c |
Katuk |
1.72 c |
1.85 c |
1.38 c |
Hibiscus |
1.10 c |
0.90c |
0.61c |
Description: a
means in the same row for each parameter with
different superscripts are
Crude protein concentration is an important quality characteristic of forage crops and is always used to evaluate a forage system and especially intercropping systems like the ones studied in the present study. The increased crop productivity with intercropping is mainly due to increased light interception, improved crop rooting systems to facilitate soil nutrient sharing between the intercrops, and improved conservation of soil moisture (Fan et al 2013). Increasing width of alley showed dry matter production, crude protein production and crude fiber decreased. In the narrow width alley (5 m alley width) shows a yield advantage of alley cropping due to better land utilization and better use of the environmental resources for plant growth.
The author would like to thank to Directorat of Higher Education for funding research. We would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Animal Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia for the research facility.
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Received 24 February 2017; Accepted 6 March 2017; Published 2 July 2017