Livestock Research for Rural Development 24 (6) 2012 | Guide for preparation of papers | LRRD Newsletter | Citation of this paper |
In order to enhance aquaculture production, improve food security, and reduce the level of poverty in developing countries, a search for inexpensive and locally available feedstuffs is required. The present study surveyed selected potential feedstuffs with a specific focus on underutilized animal protein sources, agricultural and agro-industrial by-products. Selection of the feedstuffs was based on availability, cost and the avoidance of conflicts with human consumption. Proximate analysis was conducted of 40 selected feedstuffs from 6 underutilized animal protein sources and 34 plant feedstuffs from 7 categories to estimate their potential nutritive value for utilization as feedstuff for small-scale aquaculture.
Based on their proximate composition, 6 feedstuffs with highest CP and low NfE, from animal sources, were identified as potential dietary protein source, 16 feedstuffs with high CP and high NfE were identified as dietary protein and energy source and 11 feedstuffs with low CP and highest NfE were identified as dietary energy source.
Key words: by-product, energy, feed, fish, nutrients, protein, proximate analysis
Fish feed play a major role in aquaculture viability and profitability, because it accounts for at least 40 - 60% of the total cost of fish production (Shang 1992; Craig and Helfrich 2002; Jamu and Ayinla 2003). Although there are rooms for enhancing aquaculture production in Africa through improvements in the overall production system, in genetics and general farm management principles, the desired growth of aquaculture which is necessary in order to meet the increasing demand for fish is only achievable through cost-effective and high quality fish feed (Gabriel et al 2007). Locally produced feed reduces the cost of production and hence, cheaper means of meeting the protein requirement improve food security and reduce the level of poverty in developing countries, thus inexpensive and locally available feedstuffs are to be identified. The search for alternative protein sources is to be focused on by-products and materials which are not suitable for direct human consumption (Hoffman et al 1997). However, in Ethiopia a number of by-products from agricultural processing is available, which are usually not utilized for human consumption, but may have a high potential for small-scale aquaculture. It is anticipated that the transformation of locally available by-products low in protein into high quality fish protein, can be a major contribution to improving the protein supply for the local human population.
Several agricultural and agro-industrial by-products available in Ethiopia have been evaluated for their production potential in poultry and livestock feed (Beker 1985; Lema 1992; Seyoum and Fekede 2006; Adugna 2007; Demeke 2007; Seyoum et al 2007; Negesse 2009; Tadessa et al 2009 a,b; Ajebu 2010). However, only few data are available which cover the suitability of this resource for fish feed (Adamneh et al 2007; Ashagrie et al 2008; Kassahun et al unpublished). Development of a feed for fish production involves evaluation of proximate composition of feed components, digestibility and performance efficiency as well as cost implications and conditions of application. Therefore, the current study was conducted to determine the proximate composition of selected locally available feed components for small-scale aquaculture feed development. A specific focus was put on currently underutilized animal protein sources, agricultural and agro-industrial by-products which are not consumed by the human population. Data from the current study are also expected to form the basis for further evaluation of the effects of selected feed components on digestibility and fish growth under different culture conditions.
The selection of feedstuffs to be covered within this study was based on availability, price and their non-use for human consumption. Samples were collected during a period of 18 months in typical regions of origin within Ethiopia (Table 1). Live Garra, Barbus and Aplocheilichthys species were collected from Lakes Koka, Ziway and Horra, respectively, using beach seain. The collection of adult sorghum chafer was done by simple traps which are baited with fruit peel (Ministry of Agriculture and Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization 1999). The localities of samples analyzed in this study are presented in table 1.
Table 1: Samples and the locality where they were collected |
Product |
Sampling site |
Tilapia carcass remain |
Lake Ziway |
Catfish carcass remain |
Lake Ziway |
Aplocheilichthys sp |
Lake Hora |
Garra sp |
Koka reservoir |
Barbus sp |
Lake Ziway |
Sorghum chafer |
Semen shewa (Ataye) |
Cotton seed cake |
Factory outlet Mojo |
Linseed cake |
Factory outlet Addis Ababa |
Noug seed cake |
Factory outlet Addis Ababa |
Rapeseed cake |
Factory outlet Addis Ababa |
Soybean seed cake |
Factory outlet Addis Ababa |
Sesame seed cake |
Factory outlet Tigray (Shere) |
Meta BG |
Factory outlet Meta |
Bedele BG |
Factory outlet Bedele |
Harrar BG |
Factory outlet Harrar |
Dashen BG |
Factory outlet Dashen (Gonder) |
St. George BG |
Factory outlet Addis Ababa |
Dried brewery yeast |
Factory outlet Harrar |
Grape pulp |
Factory outlet Addis Ababa |
Tela-atela |
Sebeta |
Areke-atela |
Sebeta |
Wheat bran |
Factory outlet Deberezit |
Barley bran |
Yirba Muda |
Lentil hulls |
Semen shwa (Bakke) |
Lathyrus pea hulls |
Sebeta |
Chick pea hulls |
Sebeta |
Faba bean hulls |
Sebeta |
Banana peel |
Addis Ababa |
Mango peel |
Addis Ababa |
Avocado peel |
Addis Ababa |
Papaya peel |
Addis Ababa |
Papaya seed |
Addis Ababa |
Boiled coffee residue |
Sebeta |
Boiled tea residues |
Sebeta |
Formulated PF1 |
Poultry feed processing company Deberezit |
Formulated PF2 |
Poultry feed processing company Deberezit |
Formulated PF3 |
Poultry feed processing company Deberezit |
Mill dust BD |
Bahere Dar |
Mill dust DZ |
Deberezit |
Mill dust Se |
Sebeta |
*BG= Brewery´s grain PF=Poultry feed, BD= Baher Dar, DZ = Debere Zit, Se = Sebeta |
Samples were sundried and ground into finer particles using an electric grinder and sieved through a 1 mm sieve. Analyses were conducted at the National Fisheries and Other Aquatic Life Research Center of the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research in Sebeta, Ethiopia.
Dry matter (DM) was determined by drying 5 grams of sample according to AOAC (1995). Crude protein was quantified by the standard micro-Kjeldahl Nitrogen method as described in AOAC (2005), using a BehrosetInKje M digestion apparatus and a Behr S 1 steam distillation apparatus (Labor-Technik GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany). The distilled ammonia was trapped in 2 % boric acid solution and titrated with 0.1N HCl. Crude protein was estimated by multiplying the nitrogen content with a factor of 6.25. Ether extracts were analyzed by extraction of samples of 2 g each in a Soxhlet extractor for 4 hours with diethyl ether (boiling point 40-60 °C). After extraction, the flask and extract was oven dried at 100°C for 1 hour, cooled in a desiccator for one hour and weighed. Ether extracts were quantified by expressing the difference in weight as a percentage of the original sample weight. Crude fiber (CF) was determined according to AOAC (2005). As CF is negligible in feedstuffs of animal origin, CF analysis was not conducted for feedstuffs of animal origin in the present study (CGIAR 2009). Ash was determined as the weight of the residue after 5 g of sample had been ashed at 550 °C in a muffle furnace overnight. Nitrogen Free Extracts were estimated by difference (DM-CP-EE-CF-Ash).
Data on proximate composition of 40 selected feedstuffs from 7 categories are presented in tables 2-8. The proximate composition of feedstuffs of animal origin is presented in Table 2. Crude protein content ranges between 480 and 711g/kg DM. Within this group of feedstuffs, Sorghum chafer (Pachnoda interrupta) had the lowest CP content, while Garra sp had the highest. Ether extracts (EE) varied from 101 to 180 g/kg DM, which indicates a high energy content of these components. Among this group of feedstuffs, catfish carcass remains had the lowest EE level, while Sorghum chafer had the highest. The ash contents also varied between 34 (Sorghum chafer) and 282 g/kg DM (Catfish carcass remains). NfE contents were generally low.
Table 2: Proximate composition of locally available feedstuffs of animal origin |
Products |
DM* |
CP |
EE |
Ash |
g/kg |
g/kg DM |
Tilapia carcass remains |
892 |
574 |
177 |
223 |
Catfish carcass remains |
918 |
561 |
101 |
282 |
Aplocheilichthys sp |
933 |
674 |
144 |
145 |
Garra sp. |
899 |
668 |
131 |
187 |
Barbus sp. |
929 |
598 |
130 |
195 |
Sorghum chafer |
960 |
480 |
180 |
35 |
*DM=Dry matter, CP=Crude Protein, EE=Ether Extracts, CF= Crude Fibre, NfE=N-free Extracts |
The proximate composition of selected oilseed cakes is presented in Table 3. Crude protein contents range between 303 and 401g/kg DM. Among these feedstuffs, Nougseed cake had the lowest CP content, while soybean seed cake had the highest. Ether extracts were relatively low for soybean seed cake (81g/kg DM) and very high for sesame seed cake (187g/kg DM). Soybean seed cake contained relatively low quantities of CF and high levels of NfE, while the opposite was found for Nougseed cake.
Table 3: Proximate composition of selected oil seed cakes |
Product |
DM* |
CP |
EE |
CF |
Ash |
NfE |
g/kg |
g/kg DM |
Cotton seed cake |
893 |
320 |
120 |
220 |
64 |
273 |
Linseed cake |
918 |
347 |
97 |
150 |
76 |
330 |
Noug seed cake |
928 |
303 |
83 |
273 |
113 |
229 |
Rapeseed cake |
936 |
356 |
93 |
120 |
99 |
333 |
Soybean seed cake |
953 |
401 |
81 |
66 |
62 |
392 |
Sesame seed cake |
897 |
328 |
188 |
96 |
91 |
297 |
*DM=Dry matter in g/kg, CP=Crude Protein, EE=Ether Extracts, CF=Crude Fibre, NfE=N-Free Extracts |
The proximate composition of by-products from brewery and the production of wine and local beverage is presented in Table 4. The CP levels for this group of feedstuffs were highly variable (120 – 516g/kg DM): Grape pulp had the lowest, while dried brewery yeast from Harrar brewery had the highest. Overall, EE and ash values were moderate and ranged between 14 and 95g/kg DM and from 25 to 103g/kg DM, respectively. A relatively low CF level was found for areke-atela, while grape pulp contained extremely high amounts of CF and the other feedstuffs showed moderate to high CF contents. The highest NfE contents were found for Areke-atela.
Table 4: Proximate composition of by-products from brewery, wine and local beverage production |
Products |
DM* |
CP |
EE |
CF |
Ash |
NfE |
g/kg |
g/kg DM |
Meta BG |
877 |
272 |
75 |
195 |
95 |
362 |
Bedele BG |
899 |
217 |
89 |
202 |
34 |
458 |
Harrar BG |
930 |
257 |
90 |
174 |
45 |
435 |
Dashen BG |
918 |
221 |
54 |
204 |
55 |
466 |
St. George BG |
928 |
218 |
86 |
197 |
47 |
452 |
Dried yeast |
896 |
516 |
14 |
Undetectable |
104 |
366 |
Grape pulp |
916 |
120 |
95 |
347 |
34 |
403 |
Tela-atela |
892 |
164 |
93 |
151 |
25 |
568 |
Areke-atela |
895 |
176 |
77 |
87 |
57 |
604 |
*DM=Dry matter ing/kg, CP=Crude Protein, EE=Ether Extracts, CF=Crude Fibre, NfE=N-Free Extracts, BW= Brewer´s grains |
The proximate composition of feedstuffs from different seed brans and hulls is presented in Table 5. The CP levels for this group range between 60 and 188 g/kg DM. Among this group of feedstuffs, chick pea hulls had the lowest CP, while lentil hulls had the highest. EE and ash levels in this group were found to be low. However, seed brans and hulls were generally rich in NfE. The CF levels varied from 41 to 426 g/kg DM for wheat bran and faba bean hull, respectively.
Table 5: Proximate composition of different brans and hulls |
Products |
DM* |
CP |
EE |
CF |
Ash |
NfE |
g/kg |
g/kg DM |
Wheat bran |
861 |
185 |
59 |
42 |
31 |
691 |
Barley bran |
891 |
97 |
14 |
217 |
51 |
623 |
Lentil hulls |
893 |
189 |
12 |
277 |
46 |
476 |
Lathyrus pea hulls |
895 |
130 |
2 |
356 |
43 |
466 |
Chick pea hulls |
923 |
60 |
11 |
426 |
50 |
452 |
Faba bean hulls |
929 |
106 |
7 |
424 |
37 |
434 |
*DM=Dry matter in g/kg, CP=Crude Protein, EE=Ether Extracts, CF=Crude Fibre, NfE=N-Free Extracts |
The proximate composition of feedstuffs from fruit peels and seeds is presented in Table 6. The CP levels for fruit peels and seeds range between 76 and 254 g/kg DM. Among these feedstuffs, mango peel had the lowest CP, while papaya seed had the highest. In this group, Avocado peels and Papaya seeds had the lowest and the highest EE level, respectively. The ash level of this group varied between 53 (Mango peel) and 188 g/kg DM (Papaya peel). The CF content of this group also varied between 113 (Banana) and 403 g/kg DM (Papaya peel). Papaya seed had the lowest level of NfE, while Mango peel had the highest.
Table 6: Proximate composition of fruit peels and seeds |
Product |
DM* |
CP |
EE |
CF |
Ash |
NfE |
g/kg |
g/kg DM |
Banana peels |
795 |
86 |
85 |
113 |
178 |
538 |
Mango peels |
812 |
77 |
40 |
124 |
54 |
706 |
Avocado peels |
901 |
82 |
31 |
219 |
76 |
319 |
Papaya peels |
822 |
227 |
41 |
404 |
189 |
141 |
Papaya seeds |
870 |
254 |
248 |
331 |
105 |
63 |
*DM=Dry matter in g/kg, CP=Crude Protein, EE=Ether Extracts, CF=Crude Fibre, NfE=N-Free Extracts |
The proximate composition of feedstuffs from boiled tea and coffee residue is presented in Table 7. The CP level of boiled tea residue was found to be higher than the CP in boiled coffee residues. The EE and ash level of both boiled coffee and tea residues were low. However, the CF level in boiled coffee residue was found be very high. Boiled tea residue was rich in NfE.
Table 7: Proximate composition of by-products from the processing of coffee and tea |
Product |
DM* |
CP |
EE |
CF |
Ash |
NfE |
g/kg |
g/kg DM |
Boiled coffee residue |
938 |
114 |
18 |
363 |
48 |
296 |
Boiled tea residues |
910 |
203 |
3 |
206 |
44 |
506 |
*DM=Dry matter in g/kg, CP=Crude Protein, EE=Ether Extracts, CF=Crude Fibre, NfE=N-Free Extracts |
The proximate composition of feedstuffs from commercially formulated poultry feed and milling dust is presented in Table 8. The CP levels varied between 100 and 206 g/kg DM. Among these feedstuffs, milling dust from Deberezit had the lowest, while formulated poultry feed 2 had the highest CP content. EE, Ash and CF level in mill sweeping was lower than the EE, Ash and CF level in formulated poultry feeds. Generally mill sweepings and formulated poultry feeds were rich in NfE.
Table 8: Proximate composition of commercially produced poultry feeds and mill dust |
Product |
DM* |
CP |
EE |
CF |
Ash |
NfE |
g/kg |
g/kgDM |
Formulated PF1 |
900 |
187 |
78 |
78 |
98 |
557 |
Formulated PF2 |
904 |
207 |
88 |
78 |
84 |
545 |
Formulated PF3 |
905 |
199 |
77 |
60 |
102 |
563 |
Mill dust BD |
896 |
115 |
30 |
31 |
54 |
759 |
Mill dust DZ |
899 |
100 |
25 |
59 |
98 |
717 |
Mill dust Se |
903 |
146 |
21 |
33 |
74 |
718 |
*DM=Dry matter ing/kg, CP=Crude Protein, EE=Ether Extracts, CF=Crude Fibre, NfE=N-Free Extracts, PF=Poultry feed, BD= Baher Dar, DZ = Debere Zit, Se = Sebeta |
Based on the data presented herein, 6 feedstuffs from animal origin with high CP and low NfE contents were identified as promising protein sources, 16 feedstuffs with high CP and high NfE were identified as sources for both protein and energy, and 11 feedstuffs with relatively low CP and high NfE were identified as promising energy sources (Fig 1, 2, 3). Dietary protein is used by fish for growth and body maintenance and eventually for energy supply. Thus a lack of high quality protein feed adversely affects growth rate, immune response to diseases and the total harvest of fish (Alatise et al 2006; Kaushik and Medale 1994). Since protein is a particularly expensive component in fish nutrition, any reduction in dietary protein level without affecting fish growth will substantially reduce the cost of fish feed (Jamabo and Alfred-Ockiya 2008). However, management, environmental factors and fish size can affect dietary nutrient level for optimum performance. Supplying energy from suitable sources in order to satisfy the energy requirements of fish will save dietary protein for growth (Jauncey 1998; Sang-Min and Tae-Jun 2005). High dietary fiber concentrations can lead to growth depression, due to various factors, such as faster gastric emptying, reduced feed intake, digestibility and nutrient utilization (NRC 1993). It is reported that at least 24% of CP was found to be essential for a satisfactory growth of O. niloticus under typical East African aquaculture conditions (Liti et al 2005). This minimum protein content for satisfactory growth of O. niloticus cannot be achieved with simplified diet formulations as they are commonly used by small scale producers in Ethiopia. However, fish perform well on feedstuffs containing even less than 200g/kg, such as wheat bran, maize bran, lathyrus pea bran and rice bran in fertilized ponds (Liti. et al 2006, Kassahun et al unpublished). Thus a CP content of 200g/kg is used herein as a limit for the selection of potential protein sources.
Tilapia and catfish carcass remains (i.e. post-filleting residues), small fish of various species of Aplocheilichthys, Garra, Barbus and insects were analysed as feedstuffs of animal origin with a generally very high CP content (Table 2 and 10). These feed materials are also expected to be highly digestible, to contain an excellent amino acid profile (i.e. especially high in lysine and methionine), a high percentage of poly-unsaturated and especially Omega -3 fatty acids. Due to this and the absence of ANFs, fishmeal is used as the main source of protein in fish feeds (Jauncey 1998; Hardy and Barrows 2002; El-Sayed 2004; Li et al 2006; Miles and Chapman 2006; Gatlin III et al 2007; Lin and Shiau 2007). Despite the lack of tradition of using fish meal as animal feed due to the poorly developed fishery and aquaculture sector in Ethiopia, small fish which form the by-catch from lake fisheries or carcass remains represent a currently underutilized, high quality nutrient pool for the nutrition of cultured fish. However, if relevant quantities of fishes are to be used for feed, special attention should be given to the ecological importance of these organisms in natural water bodies.
Insects may form another potential nutrient source for small scale aquaculture. The use of insects as fish feed supplement is not so common, but under natural condition fish feed on adult aquatic insects (Getachew 1987). The use of maggots has been reported to possess a great potential as fish feed by several authors (Adesulu and Mustapha 2000; Fasakin et al 2003; Ajani et al 2004; Ogunji et al 2008). These studies reported that the growth of fish has been promoted by feeding maggot meal. In the present study Sorghum chafer (Pachnoda interrupta) was analysed which temporarily occurs as an important pest in Ethiopia (Yitbarek and Hiwot 2000). The CP and EE contents of Sorghum chafer were found to be high (Table 2). Therefore, the utilization of Sorghum chafer as fish feed component would be advantageous from the perspective of eco-friendly crop protection, cost effectiveness and its nutritional value. The use of tilapia and catfish carcass remains, species of Aplocheilichthys, Garra, Barbus and Sorghum chafer as dietary protein sources in aquaculture feeds are also economically feasible, since the costs of supply mainly involved costs for collection, transportation and processing (Fig 1).
Figure 1. Selected potential protein sources for small-scale aquaculture in Ethiopia |
The data presented herein and information from the literature show that legume and oil seed cakes had high CP contents (Table 3; Table 10; Jackson et al 1982; El-Sayed 1990; Reddy 1999; Olvera et al 2002; Maina et al 2002; El-Saidy and Gaber 2004; Leming and Lember 2005; Munguti et al 2006; Guo et al 2011). The NfE values were moderate and the EE content of most of oil seed cakes was relatively high due to the incomplete oil extraction connected with the technologies practiced in Ethiopia (Table 3; Solomon 1992). This supports the use of these feedstuffs as energy supplements. Generally, oilseed cakes and legume seeds are considered suitable as alternative dietary protein and energy sources for fish feed and are available in Ethiopia and other regions of sub-Saharan Africa on large scale (Table 3; Fig 2; Fagbenro et al 2003). The level of inclusion in the feed depends on nutrients and toxic compounds in seed residues, which largely vary, depending on methods of processing and the strains used (Liener 1980). Oilseed cakes are commonly used for livestock feed in different parts of Ethiopia, also because of their moderate costs. In most developing countries leguminous seeds constitute an important part of the human diet and their use for aqua-feeds would compete with the ultimate goal of securing human nutrition. However, by-products from the processing of legume seeds and oilseeds are not directly used for human consumption in Ethiopia, therefore feed – food competition can be avoided.
Among the ingredients being investigated as alternatives to fish meal, soybean cake is the most promising (Table 3; Lim et al 1998; Hardy 1999; Storebakken et al 2000; Swick 2002) because of the security of supply, price as well as its protein and essential amino acid composition. Despite this favourable composition, the nutritional value of soybean cake may be lower than expected, mainly due to the presence of anti-nutritional factors, such as protease inhibitors, lectins, phytates and tannins (De la Pena et al 1987; Fagbenro 1998; Olli et al. 1994). The presence of these anti-nutritional factors reduces the growth rate of young mono-gastric animals (Van Damme 1997), which requires removal or inactivation through processing prior to usage within aqua-feeds (Tacon 1995).
Several studies have been conducted to determine the amount of cotton seed cake, sesame seed cake and rapeseed cake that can be incorporated into fish diets without negative effects on growth (Yurkowski et al 1978; Jackson et al 1982; Viola and Zohar 1984; El-Sayed 1990; Gomes and Kaushik 1989; Hossain and Jauncey 1989a,b; Gomes et al 1993; Olukunle and Falaye 1998; Burel et al 2000; Mbahinzireki et al 2001; Rinchard et al 2002; El-Saidy and Gaber 2004; Yi-Rong and Qi-Cun 2008; Fagbenro 2010; Mazurkiewicz 2010; Nang et al 2011). Results have indicated that cottonseed cake contains gossypol which is toxic to fish. This has been reported to interfere with physiological processes of reproduction, including the inhibition of steroidogenesis in animals and a growth depression in fish (Table 9; Hadley et al 1981; Jauncey and Ross 1982; Lin et al 1988; Rinchard et al 2002; El- Saidy and Gaber 2004; Liti et al 2005). Rapeseeds contain high level of phytins, tannins and glucosinolates which limits its inclusion in fish feeds (Francis et al 2001). For successful utilization of these resources in aquafeed it requires removal or inactivation through processing prior to usage (Table 9; Jauncey and Ross 1982). While sesame seed is not known to contain any protease inhibitors, the high levels of oxalic and phytic acids may have adverse effects on palatability (Narasinga 1985; Johnson et al 1979) and on availability of minerals and protein (Aherne and Kennelly 1985). However, dehulling reduces the oxalic acid contact of the seed (Table 9; Salunkhe et al 1991). Linseed cake and noug seed cake (Guizotia abyssinica) are commonly used as livestock feed (Alemu and Guenther 1992; Tadesse and Zelalem 2004; Nudda 2006;Artur et al 2010). However, there are no data available for the effect of linseed cake and noug seed cake on the growth response of fish. The presence of hydrocyanic and phytic acid in linseed is likely to result in poor growth of monogastric animals but it can be extracted by water and heat (Table 9; Hossain and Jauncey 1990). There are also no reports on anti-nutritional factors in noug seed cake and as they were not analysed in the present study, a critical evaluation of anti-nutritional compounds is essential prior to widespread utilization.
Figure 2.. Selected potential feedstuffs high in both protein and energy for small-scale aquaculture in Ethiopia PF=Poultry feed, BG= Brewery´s grain |
The CP content of brewer´s grains was found to be higher than 200g/kg and it had high and moderate levels of NfE and CF, respectively (Table 3). The CP content of dried brewery yeast were very high and even comparable to that of feedstuffs from animal origin; it also contains high quantities of NfE (Table 3). Thus brewer´s grains and dried brewery yeast can serve as dietary sources for both protein and energy (fig 2). The CP levels of tela-atela, areke-atela and grape pulp were low, whereas they contained high amounts of NfE (Table 3). CF was low in tela-atela and areke-atela but high in grape pulp (Table 3). Thus tela-atela and areke-atela can be used as dietary energy source (Fig 3), but the high level of CF in grape pulp may limit its inclusion in the feed. Brewer´s grain has been fed to livestock since the advent of beer production (Wastendorf and Wohlt 2002). Brewer's grains, because of their high nutritive value, is widely available in many parts of the world. However, its utilization for animal diets, particularly for fish, is poorly understood in some regions (Desale et al 2008). Several studies indicated that the use of brewer´s by-products as fish meal substitute was successfully practiced in different fish species (Middendrop 1995; Hoffman et al 1997; Oliva-Teles and Goncalves 2001; Schneider et al 2004; Kaur and Saxena 2004; Desale et al 2008). Moreover, despite the inconsistency of the results from different studies it is reported that brewer´s yeast are capable of enhancing innate immunity and disease resistance of certain fish (Siwicki et al 1994; Li and Gatlin 2003; Li et al 2005). Tela-atela and areke-atela are produced in large amounts in almost every region of Ethiopia. Small proportions of this by-product are used as feed for dairy cattle and small ruminants. However, large quantities accumulate at production sites, causing disposal and public health problems (Demeke 2007). Several studies have been conducted on the nutritional effect of atella on dairy cows, small ruminants and poultry (Mekasha et al 2002; Mekasha et al 2003; Demeke 2007; Ajebu 2010), but here is no data available for the use of atella as fish feed. Brewery by products are usually very cheap and readily available at production sites throughout the country, and areke-atela, tela-atela and grape pulp are usually available for free. Therefore, the use of these by-products as aquaculture feeds will also be economically feasible.
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Figure 3. Selected potential energy sources for small-scale aquaculture in Ethiopia BD= Baher Dar, DZ = Debere Zit, Se = Sebeta |
Except for wheat bran, seed brans and hulls analysed in this study contained high levels of CF (Table 4). Although seed brans and hulls can be considered as dietary energy sources, their mostly high CF content will limit their inclusion level in the feed. The use of cereal brans and hulls is very common as livestock feed in Ethiopia, but its use as fish feed has only recently been evaluated: wheat bran and Lathyrus pea hull were fed to O. niloticus and the growth performance in fertilized and unfertilized ponds was evaluated (Kassahun et al unpublished data; Adamneh et al 2007). Both wheat bran and Lathyrus pea hull promoted good growth of Nile tilapia and can substitute each other, depending on whichever of the two is locally available (Kassahun et al unpublished). In a similar study in Kenya it is reported that wheat bran and maize bran promoted growth of O. niloticus in fertilized ponds (Liti et al 2006). Gohl (1975) found a general deficiency of lysine in cereal by-products, but deficient nutrients might be supplemented by natural pond food in semi-intensive culture systems. Thus, based on their proximate composition and results from growth experiments, wheat bran, barley bran and Lathyrus pea hull can be used as potential energy sources in aquaculture feed development (fig 3). The presence of protease inhibitors, phytohaemagglutinin and saponin in lentil hulls, which could reduce apparent digestibility of protein and lipid, and inhibit absorption of vitamin and cholesterol metabolism may limit the use of lentil hulls in aquafeed (Table 8; Berg-Lea et al 1989; Ashild et al 2010). Thus, due to the presence of antinutritional factors and the high CF content of chick pea hulls, lentil hulls and faba bean hulls are not recommended to be used as aquafeeds. The use of cereal brans and hulls is economically promising as they are cheap and readily available in most Ethiopian regions.
Table 9: Selected toxic constitutes for the analyzed feed components |
Products |
Toxic Factor |
Effects |
Preventive Treatment |
Gosspyium spp |
Gossypol |
Complex formation with lysine, growth Depression |
Screw-pressing or
solvent extraction (Jauncey and Ross 1982) |
Soybean |
Trypsin inhibitors, Haemagg-lutinins, Goitrogenic factors |
Reduce the growth rate of young mono-gastric animal |
Heat treatment (Liener 1994; Olli et al 1994; Osman et al 2002) |
Sesame |
Oxalic and phytic Acids |
Poor growth in mono-gastric animal |
water extraction and
heat treatment (Hossain and Jauncey 1990) |
Rapeseed |
Tannins Glucosinolate Phytic acid |
Decrease feed digestibility |
supplementation, Dehulling, restriction of heat
treatment (Francis et al 2001; Hossain and Jauncey 1990) |
Linseed |
Hydrocyanic acid, Phytic acid |
Poor growth in mono-gastric animal |
Water extraction and
heat treatment (Hossain and Jauncey 1990) |
Lentil |
Protease inhibitor Phytohaemagglutinin Saponin |
Reduce apparent digestibility of protein and lipid, Inhibit extraction Absorption of vitamin and cholesterol metabolism |
Heat, methionine supplementation, Alcohol(Berg-Lea et al 1989; Ashild et al 2010) |
Papaya carica |
Benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) Lectins |
Irritation of mucus epithelial membrane |
Heat treatment plus extraction or soaking (Makkar,and Becker 1999) |
In some Ethiopian regions, large quantities of fruit by-products accumulate at production and market sites without being utilized and therefore causing disposal and public health problems. The CP levels in most fruit by-products analysed were very low except for papaya peel and seeds (Table 5). While papaya peel and seeds were high in CF and low in NfE, the other fruit by-products analysed had low CF and high NfE (Table 5). Although there is hardly any data available about the use of fruit by-products as livestock or fish feed, papaya peel and papaya seeds might have a value as dietary protein sources. However, their high CF content and their content of lectins which are potentially toxic for fish (Table 8; Makkar and Becker 1999; Asseliech et al 1989), and would have to be destroyed by heat treatment followed by aqueous methanol extraction or soaking in water for 24 hours under refrigerated conditions (Makkar and Becker 1999) will probably prevent their practical utilization. Banana peels, mango peel and avocado peel could be used as dietary energy sources. From an economical point of view, the use of any fruit by-product seems to be promising, as the only costs to be considered are for collection, transportation and eventually some kind of moderate processing.
Boiled coffee residue is a by-product of a very popular beverage used in all parts of the country. The nutritional level of boiled coffee residue, however, was found to be poor, due to low CP, EE, NfE and high CF (Table 6). No data and information is available on proximate composition and the use of this by-product as animal or fish feed. Due to its low nutrient content, boiled coffee residues will not be recommended as potential feed component for small-scale aquaculture. However, it is readily available and accessible in all part of the country and there is no conflict of interest with livestock feeding. Therefore it might offer a cheap source for fertilizing ponds, provided that the secondary constituents like caffeine are not harmful to fish. While there is no data available for the effect of caffeine on fish, it is reported that caffeine has health hazards on humans if it exceeds a certain level (Nawrot et al 2003). Other than coffee residues, boiled tea leaf residues, which are widely available in cities and towns, contains high levels of CP and NfE, only moderate level of CF and very low EE (Table 6, 10; Munguti et al 2006). Therefore they may be considered as potential source for protein and energy for small-scale aquaculture, but no data is available for their use as livestock or fish feed. However, a critical evaluation of anti-nutritional compounds is essential prior to their utilization.
Table 10: comparison of the proximate composition of common selected feedstuffs of the current and previous studies |
Product |
DM* |
CP |
EE |
Ash |
CF |
NfE |
g/kg |
g/kg DM |
Cotton (Gossyium spp.) seed cake |
Current study |
893 |
320 |
120 |
64 |
220 |
273 |
Kenya |
903 |
393 |
81 |
217 |
485 |
301 |
Uganda |
---- |
314 |
100 |
60 |
171 |
365 |
Egypt |
879 |
264 |
57 |
242 |
66 |
371 |
989 |
461 |
7 |
151 |
71 |
310 |
Israel |
923 |
477 |
54 |
125 |
66 |
278 |
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) bran |
Current study |
861 |
185 |
59 |
31 |
42 |
691 |
Kenya |
876 |
174 |
43 |
108 |
44 |
651 |
Tanzania |
876 |
169 |
38 |
113 |
64 |
616 |
Malaysia |
881 |
188 |
46 |
97 |
54 |
616 |
India |
907 |
139 |
83 |
131 |
46 |
601 |
Brewery´s grain |
Current study |
877 - 929 |
217 - 272 |
54 - 90 |
34 - 94 |
173 - 204 |
362 - 466 |
Kenya |
--- |
268 |
138 |
51 |
122 |
418 |
India |
--- |
245 |
69 |
47 |
205 |
406 |
Papaya peels |
Current study |
870 |
225 |
40 |
188 |
403 |
140 |
Kenya |
945 |
179 |
18 |
154 |
194 |
456 |
Boiled tea residues |
Current study |
910 |
203 |
3 |
44 |
206 |
506 |
Kenya |
919 |
279 |
149 |
47 |
146 |
377 |
Banana peels |
Current study |
795 |
86 |
85 |
178 |
113 |
538 |
Kenya |
901 |
72 |
79 |
109 |
113 |
627 |
Thailand |
957 |
48 |
145 |
146 |
120 |
--- |
*DM=Dry matter in g/kg, CP=Crude Protein, EE=Ether Extracts, CF=Crude Fiber, NfE=N-Free Extracts. Sources: (ADCP 1983 198; Dong and Ogle 2004; Kaur and Sexena 2004; Munguti et al 2006; Assmann 2009; Phatcharaporn et al 2009; Nalwanga et al 2009) |
Due to the lack of commercially prepared aquafeed, poultry feeds are frequently used as fish feed for projects and experiments in Ethiopia. The nutritional value of the formulated poultry feeds from three different sources which were analysed in this study, was found to be similar, with CP being around 200g/kg, low CF and high NfE (Table 7). From the nutrition point of view, these feedstuffs may be used for small-scale aquaculture as protein and energy sources, but their high price may prevent them from being utilized on a larger scale. Although there was some variation in the CP contents of milling dusts, their CP level was generally low. However, all milling dusts were rich in NfE and low in CF (Table 7). Milling dusts are commonly used as livestock feed in Ethiopia, but very few data are available for the use of this by-product as fish feed ingredient (Ashagrie et al 2008). From a nutrition point of view, milling dusts may be a good alternative energy source for small-scale aquaculture. Milling dusts are generally cheap and readily available in most Ethiopian regions, thus the use of milling dusts is likely to be economically feasible.
From the present study and from the information provided in the literature it can be concluded that Tilapia and Catfish carcass remains, Aplocheilichthus sp, Barbus sp, Garra sp and Sorghum chafer can be used as dietary protein sources. Brewer´s grain, dried brewery yeast, oil seed cakes, formulated poultry feeds can be used as both dietary protein and energy sources. Areke-atela, tela-atela, brans and hulls from different seeds, banana, mango and avocado peels, and milling dust can be used as dietary energy sources in aquaculture systems which rely greatly on local resources. This estimation is mainly based on the actual contents of CP, NfE and CF, but the possibility and practicability of removing anti-nutritional constituents, the evaluation of amino acid contents and digestibility needs to be addressed by further research. If relevant quantities of fishes are to be used for feed, special attention should be given to the ecological importance of these organisms in natural water bodies. Furthermore, the use of fish protein should not be targeted as a common option for the production of fish feed for small-scale, sustainable aquaculture, but should be mainly utilized for feeding fry which particularly requires high quality protein sources.
The authors are grateful to the Austrian Development Cooperation through ÖAD North-South Dialogue Programme and BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna for financial support. We appreciate the support from the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) and the cooperation of staff from National Fishery and other Aquatic Life Research Centre (NFLARC). Support received from Holetta Agricultural Research Centre, Animal Nutrition Department staff and National Animal health research is also are greatly acknowledged.
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Received 1 January 2012; Accepted 26 May 2012; Published 1 June 2012