Livestock Research for Rural Development 23 (4) 2011 | Notes to Authors | LRRD Newsletter | Citation of this paper |
Local ducklings (n=160) were used in a production function design with 6 levels (0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75% as DM) of Taro leaf-stem silage replacing the basal diet of a mixture of rice bran and duckweed. There were three replicates of each level. Rice bran and duckweed were mixed and fed first at the theoretical level assuming the total DM intake for growing ducks was 70 g DM/kg LW. After the rice bran/duckweed was consumed the Taro silage was offered also at the theoretical level. In both cases the quantities were adjusted so as to minimize residues and to maintain the planned ratios between the Taro silage and the rice bran-duckweed.
Replacing the mixture of rice bran and duckweed by Taro silage resulted in a curvilinear decrease in DM intake. By contrast, there were improvements in live weight gain and especially in DM feed conversion as the rice bran and duckweed were replaced by Taro leaf and stem silage. The implication is that the silage made from the combined leaf and stem of the Taro plant has a higher nutritive value than the combination of rice bran and duckweed. The Taro plant is easily cultivated in most tropical latitudes, has yields of high biomass and is easy to ensile. These characteristics facilitate its use as the basis of complete diets for growing ducks, thus reducing the need for purchase of expensive feed supplements from off the farm.
Key words: Feed intake, feed conversion, local resources
Cambodia is the poorest country in Southeast Asia and the majority of the population depends on agriculture for their food and income. The research and development strategy promoted by CELAGRID is to develop appropriate ways to improve the income of farmers, by using alternative feed resources which are not subject to human consumption. In order to develop duck production systems for poor farmers, it is important that the feed resources to be used can be available or grown in the local area as poor farmers do not have the cash to buy "commercial" animal feed. Rice bran is the cheapest and most widely available energy resource in Cambodia but it is low in protein. Local feed resources which are high in protein and potentially available for feeding ducks are duckweed, water spinach and other aquatic plants. The Taro plant (Colocacia esculenta), which grows naturally in ponds and uncultivated areas in SE Asian countries, is a recent addition to the list of potential protein sources for non-ruminant animals (Preston 2006).
Duckweed grows well in waste water and can double its weight in 24h (Leng et al 1995). Duckweed leaves have a low fiber content and the protein content can be as high as 35% (Leng et al 1995; Bui Huy Nhu Phuc et al 2000). In terms of protein production, grown under ideal conditions it can produce 10 tonnes of protein per hectare per year. This compares with soybean which produces less than 1 tonne/year. Under experimental conditions the annual production reached 183 tonnes/ha of DM, however, under practical conditions a yield of up to 30 tonnes of DM/ha is more feasible (Leng et al 1995). With appropriate fertilization of the pond water the protein content can be as high as 35-40% in the dry matter (Le Ha Chau 1998). It has been shown that fresh duckweed can replace completely the soybean meal in diets of growing ducks with no reduction in growth rate (Bui Xuna Men et al 1995).
The leaves of the Taro species (Colocia esculenta, Alocasia macrorrhiza, Xanthosoma sagittifolium) have attracted attention because they are rich in protein, and good sources of vitamins and minerals. Taro species are found growing in the wild state in mountain areas, in forests and in ponds and other water surfaces (Ngo Huu Toan and Preston 2007; Pheng Buntha et al 2008). The taro leaf has a high nutritional value (Du Thanh Hang and Preston 2009); however, it has an anti-nutritional substance, calcium oxalate, which is found in all parts of the plant, causing irritation in the throat and mouth epithelium and indirectly affecting the feed intake (Wikipedia No date). The influence of calcium oxalate can be reduced by ensiling with molasses (Malavanh Chittavong et al 2008), or by ensiling the leaves and stems together without any further additive (Rodríguez and Preston 2009; Du Thanh Hang and Preston 2010; Nguyen Tuyet Giang and Preston2011).
It was hypothesized that taro silage can replace the duckweed and part of the rice bran in the diet of growing ducks with no reduction in growth rate.
The experiment was carried out at the Center for Livestock and Agriculture Development located in Preah Theat village, Rolous commune, Kandal Stung district, Kandal province, approximately 25 km from Phnom Penh city. The trial started on 6th July 2010 and finished 3rd September 2010.
A production function design was used with 6 levels (0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75%) of Taro leaf-stem silage replacing the basal diet of a mixture of rice bran and duckweed. There were three replicates of each level.
A total of 162 local male ducks at one day old were purchased from a local hatchery. They were given commercial feed for the first 30 days after which they were adapted gradually to the experimental diets around one week before starting to collect the data. They were vaccinated against Duck Plague and Chlorella and de-wormed before starting the experiment. They were housed in pens (1.5m x 2m) in a simple house constructed from bamboo and wire net. There were 9 ducks in each pen. The concrete floor of the pens was covered with rice husks.
Duckweed was harvested from natural ponds near CelAgrid and was wilted overnight to reduce the water content before feeding to the ducks in the next morning. Taro foliage (Colocacia esculenta) (leaves plus stems) was harvested from ponds in the region near CelAgrid and was chopped into small pieces around 2-3 cm length with a knife and wilted 3-4 hours under sunlight before being packed tightly in plastic bags (50 liters capacity) without any additive. Rice bran was purchased from the rice mill near the Centre.
Rice bran and duckweed were mixed and fed first at the theoretical level (Table 1) assuming the total DM intake for growing ducks was 70 g DM/kg LW. After the rice bran/duckweed was consumed the Taro silage was offered also at the theoretical level. In both cases the quantities were adjusted so as to minimize residues and to maintain the planned ratios between the Taro silage and the rice bran-duckweed. Feeds were given three times daily at 8:00, 12:00 and 16:00h. Water was offered ad libitum in plastic bowls.
Table 1: Planned composition of the diets, % DM basis (based on prior analysis of the ingredients) |
T0 |
T15 |
T30 |
T45 |
T60 |
T75 |
Taro leaf - stem silage |
0 |
15 |
30 |
45 |
60 |
75 |
Duckweed |
31 |
25.5 |
20 |
14.5 |
9 |
3.5 |
Rice bran |
67 |
57.5 |
48 |
38.5 |
29 |
19.5 |
Premix |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Oyster shell |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Total |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
% DM |
61.1 |
55.1 |
49.1 |
43.1 |
37.1 |
31.1 |
% CP in DM |
16.0 |
16.0 |
16.0 |
16.0 |
16.0 |
16.0 |
The feeds offered and refused were recorded every day and samples of both taken for analysis of DM by microwave radiation (Undersander et al 1993) and N (AOAC 1990). The ducks were weighed as a group every 10 days during the 60 days of the experiment.
Data were analyzed by the General Linear Model in the ANOVA program of the Minitab software (MTAB 2000). Sources of variation were treatments and error. Regression analysis waas done with the same software.
The recorded ratios of of DM in the dietary ingredients consumed (Table 2) were closely related to the planned quantities (Figure 1). In the control diet (TF-0), 60% of the dietary crude protein was supplied by the duckweed, which was gradually replaced by the protein from the Taro leaf and stem silage to the point where 80% of the protein was from this source in the TF-75 diet (Figure 2). Replacing the mixture of rice bran and duckweed by Taro silage resulted in a curvilinear decrease in DM intake (Figure 3). The crude protein content of the DM consumed tended to decrease with increasing replacmentof rice bran and duckweed by Taro silage, especially in diets with 60 and 75% of Taro silage. Similar reductions in intake of DM and crude protein were observed by Nguyen Tuyet Giang et al (2010) when they fed growing ducks with increasing proportions of Taro silage in a mixture with rice bran.
Table 2. Mean value for intake of DM and crude protein by one duck fed rice bran and duckweed replaced with ensiled taro foliage |
TF-0 |
TF-15 |
TF-30 |
TF-45 |
TF-60 |
TF-75 |
P |
DM intake, g/d |
Taro silage |
0 |
11.7 |
21.8 |
33.4 |
33.9 |
31.8 |
0.63 |
0.001 |
Duckweed |
27.5 |
21 |
13.7 |
9.03 |
4.08 |
0.67 |
0.32 |
0.001 |
Rice bran |
56.4 |
48.2 |
36.9 |
29.6 |
23.7 |
10.7 |
0.91 |
0.001 |
Total |
83.9 |
80.9 |
72.4 |
72 |
61.7 |
43.1 |
1.29 |
0.001 |
DM, kg LW/d |
82.8 |
82.2 |
76 |
76.6 |
68 |
50.7 |
1.3 |
0.001 |
CP intake, g/d |
Taro |
0 |
1.94 |
3.62 |
5.56 |
5.65 |
5.28 |
0.123 |
0.001 |
Duckweed |
7.68 |
5.83 |
3.78 |
2.48 |
1.13 |
0.16 |
0.09 |
0.001 |
Rice bran |
5.59 |
4.77 |
3.65 |
2.92 |
2.31 |
1.05 |
0.08 |
0.001 |
Total |
13.3 |
12.6 |
11.0 |
10.9 |
9.07 |
6.50 |
0.215 |
0.001 |
CP, % in DM |
15.7 |
15.4 |
15.1 |
15.0 |
14.8 |
14.5 |
0.14 |
0.001 |
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Figure 1. Recorded quantities of ingredients consumed (as DM) in relation to the recorded proportions of Taro silage in the diet | Figure 2. Recorded proportions of ingredients consumed (as crude protein) in relation to the recorded proportions of Taro silage in the diet |
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Figure 3. Effect of increasing the content of Taro silage in the diet on DM intake |
There were improvements in live weight gain and especially in DM feed conversion as the rice bran and duckweed were replaced by Taro leaf and stem silage (Table 3 and Figures 4 and 5). Similar improvements in feed conversion were reported by Nguyen Tuyet Giang et al (2010) when rice bran was replaced by Taro leaf and stem silage. Growth rates and feed conversion rates were poorer in the presemt study compared with those recorded by Nguyen Tuyet Giang et al (2010) but this can be explained by the greater body size of the "improved" ducks in their experiment (mature weight about 2.5 kg), compared with the smaller "unimproved" local ducks (mature weight about 1.3 kg) used in our study. There were also major differences in the quality of the rice bran which was richer in protein (13%) and oil (17%) in the experiment of Nguyen Tuyet Giang et al (2010) compared with the rice bran used in our study.
Table 3: Mean value of live weight gain and DM feed conversion ratio of duck on replacing rice bran with ensiled taro foliage in diets per head |
Live weight, g |
TF-0 |
TF-15 |
TF-30 |
TF-45 |
TF-60 |
TF-75 |
P |
Initial |
711 |
685 |
637 |
659 |
652 |
619 |
26.9 |
0.25 |
Final |
1218 |
1225 |
1225 |
1203 |
1216 |
1204 |
32.8 |
0.99 |
Daily gain |
8.27 |
8.50 |
9.97 |
9.30 |
10.5 |
10.2 |
0.51 |
0.045 |
DM conversion |
10.2 |
9.67 |
7.29 |
7.79 |
5.86 |
4.23 |
0.58 |
0.001 |
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Figure 4. Effect on live weight gain of ducks when a mixture of rice bran and duckweed was replaced by Taro leaf and stem silage | Figure 5. Effect on live weight gain of ducks when a mixture of rice bran and duckweed was replaced by Taro leaf and stem silage |
DM intake of growing ducks was decreased but weight gain and DM feed conversion were improved when a mixture of rice bran and duckweed was replaced by Taro leaf and stem silage.
The implication from the experimental results is that the silage made from the combined leaf and stem of the Taro plant has a higher nutritive value than the combination of rice bran and duckweed.
The Taro plant is easily cultivated in most tropical latitudes, has yields of high biomass and is easy to ensile. These characteristics facilitate its use as the basis of complete diets for growing ducks, thus reducing the need for purchase of expensive feed supplements from off the farm.
The authors would like to express the gratitude to the MEKARN project financed
by the SIDA-SAREC Agency and to the Center for Livestock and Agriculture
Development (CelAgrid), for providing resources for conducting this experiment.
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Received 30 November 2010; Accepted 26 March 2011; Published 1 April 2011