Livestock Research for Rural Development 22 (7) 2010 Notes to Authors LRRD Newsletter

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Performance of exotic and indigenous poultry breeds managed by smallholder farmers in northern Ethiopia

Abraham Lemlem and Yayneshet Tesfay*

Relief Society of Tigray RE REST (Relief society of Tigray),
Department ERAD (Environment rehabilitation and agricultural department), PO Box 20, Mekelle, Ethiopia
* Mekelle University, Department of Animal, Rangeland, and Wildlife Sciences, PO Box 231; Mekelle, Ethiopia.


The aim of this study was to compare age at first egg laying, hatchability, number of eggs produced per year, egg weight, body weight at 8 and 18 months, and mortality in three exotic poultry breeds (Fayoumi, Rhode Island Red, and White Leghorn) and an indigenous breed managed by rural farmers in two watersheds (Begasheka and Debre Kidan in the central zone of Tigray) in northern Ethiopia.


Age at first laying varied between the two chosen watersheds, and ranged from 231-245 days. Rhode Island Red hens produced the highest number of eggs (185) while the highest hatchability was recorded in eggs produced by the indigenous (79%) and White Leghorn (76%) hens. Pullet and mature body weights were the heaviest for Rhode Island Red birds. The highest chick and pullet mortalities were observed in Fayoumi (68%) and White Leghorn (48.5%), respectively, while the highest adult mortality (52%) recorded in the indigenous birds.


It is concluded that Rhode Island Red and White Leghorn can be effectively managed for egg production under scavenging condition by smallholder famers, with a need to shorten age at first egg production. The highest percentage of hatched eggs produced by the indigenous and White Leghorn hens suggests a need to further investigate the poor hatchability observed in Rhode Island Red. The high mortality rate in the four breeds should be substantially reduced through the provision of effective extension services.  

Keywords: Chicken; Fayoumi; Rhode Island Red; smallholders; White Leghorn


Although there is no generally accepted definition for rural poultry production system, the system is characterized by small flocks, minimal input and output, and periodic devastation of flocks by diseases (Tadelle 1996; Tadelle and Ogle 2001). Many researchers (e.g. Jensen and Dolberg 2003; Tadelle et al 2003; Reta 2009) consider poultry production as a key to poverty reduction in the rural poorest sections of society. For this reason attempts have been made to introduce different exotic poultry breeds to the smallholder farming systems in Ethiopia. Four breeds of exotic chickens (Rhode Island Red, Australorp, New Hampshire and White Leghorns) were imported to Ethiopia and extensively researched since the 1950s (Demeke 2008).


Poultry development initiatives have been made in the semi-arid Tigray region of northern Ethiopia, focusing on White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, and Fayoumi breeds. However, despite the distribution of different breeds of poultry to smallholder farmers in the region, limited attempts have been made to assess their comparative performances. This study was carried out to evaluate the performance of three exotic (Fayoumi, Rhode Island Red, and White Leghorn) and an indigenous poultry breed managed by smallholder rural farmers in terms of egg production, hatchability, body weight, and mortality rates.


Materials and methods 

Description of study areas


The study was carried out at two watersheds (Begashika of Tembien in central Tigray and Debre Kidan of Hawzien in eastern Tigray) in the semi-arid Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. The first watershed was located 870 km from Addis Ababa, and 100 km northwest of Mekelle, the regional city. The second watershed was located 880 km from Addis Ababa, and 90 km northeast of Mekelle. The average elevation is 2000 masl at Begasheka and 2450 masl at Debre Kidan. 


Study design and data analysis


The experiment consisted of evaluating the performance of three exotic breeds (Fayoumi, Rhode Island Red, and White Leghorn) and one indigenous breed of poultry distributed to farmers residing in the two watersheds. At both watersheds, 120 Fayoumi pullets and 24 cockerels aged 5 months were given to 12 farmers in equal proportions. Similarly, 51 White Leghorn pullets and 6 cockerels aged two months were distributed to five farmers (two from Debre Kidan and three from Begasheka watersheds).  The numbers of 10-day old female and male Rhode Island Red chickens distributed to eight farmers were 160 chicks. Eight farmers residing at both watersheds received 80 female and 16 male indigenous chickens. Total numbers of eggs produced, age at first laying, hatchability, egg weight, body weight, and mortality rates at different ages were measured.


Data were subject to analysis of variance using the following statistical model:

Yijk = m + ti +βj+(tβ)ij+ eijk


Yijk = Response in terms of age at first laying (days), hatchability (%), egg weight (g), number of eggs produced/year, body weights (kg), and mortality rates (%);

m= Overall mean;

ti = Effect of the ith breed (i=1-4);

βj= Effect of the jth watershed (j=1-2);

(tβ)ij= Interaction between the ith breed in the jth watershed;

eijk= Error term

When interaction terms showed significant effect, their least square means were used. Tukey HSD was applied for multiple comparisons, and ssignificant differences declared at P<0.05 while tendency to significance accepted at 0.05<P<0.10.    



Egg production and hatchability


Age at first laying was affected by watershed (P=0.047) while breed affected hatchability (P=0.000), number of eggs produced/year (P=0.000), and egg weight (P=0.016) (Table 1).

Table 1.  Age at first egg laying, hatchability, and number of eggs produced by four poultry breeds managed by smallholder farmers in Northern Ethiopia   (Mean±SEM).







Age at first laying, days





Hatchability, %





Egg No./year





Egg weight, g





abMeans in the same row for each parameter with different letter superscripts are different (P<0.05).

FA=Fayoumi; LO=Indigenous; RH=Rhode Island Red; WH=White Leghorn.  F=F value; P=Probability; SEM=Standard error of the mean.

--Values for indigenous breeds not computed due to missing data.

White Leghorn started egg laying at relatively older age compared to Fayoumi (245 vs. 231 days), and Rhode Island Red was intermediate between them. Eggs produced by the indigenous hens had the highest hatchability (79%), followed by eggs from White Leghorn and Fayoumi. The maximum number of eggs/annual was obtained from Rhode Island Red (185 eggs) and White Leghorn (176 eggs), and significantly (P<0.05) differed from Fayoumi and indigenous breeds. Egg weight ranged from 42-53 g and tended to vary among the four breeds (Fayoumi vs. Rhode Island Red, P=0.071; Indigenous vs. Rhode Island Red, P=0.067; Indigenous vs. White Leghorn, P=0.094). Egg weight correlated negatively but insignificantly with hatchability (Pearson correlation -0.225; P=0.181).


Body weights


The average body weight recorded at different ages of the four breeds is presented in Table 2.

Table 2.  Body weight at different ages of four poultry breeds managed by smallholder farmers in Northern Ethiopia (Mean±SEM)

Body weight, kg






Cockerels (8 months)





Pullets (8 months)





Cockerels (18 months)





Layers (18 months)





abMeans in the same row for each parameter with different letter superscripts are different (P<0.05)

The body weight of cockerels aged 8 months was affected by breed (P=0.000), watershed (P=0.044), and the interaction between breed and watershed (P=0.045). The heaviest body weight of cockerels was measured in Rhode Island Red (2.2 kg), and this was heavier for cockerels growing in Begasheka than in Debre Kidan watershed (P=0.0322). Similarly, the weight of pullets aged 8 months was affected by breed (P=0.000), watershed (P=0.024). The heaviest pullet body weight was recorded in Rhode Island Red at Begasheka watershed (1.6 kg).  Body weight of cockerels aged 18 months was affected by breed (P=0.000), the heaviest being measured in Rhode Island Red cockerels (2.6 kg).  Body weight in layers aged 18 months was affected by breed (P=0.000), and tended to be affected by watershed (P=0.061).  




The pattern of mortality observed among the four breeds is presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Mortality at different ages of four poultry breeds managed by smallholder farmers in Northern Ethiopia (Mean±SEM).

Mortality, %





















abMeans in the same row for each parameter with different letter superscripts are different (P<0.05).

Chick mortality was affected by breed (P=0.021), with the highest value recorded in Fayoumi (68%), followed by White Leghorn (49.5%), and indigenous (46%) breeds. Rhode Island Red had the least mortality. Mortality in pullets was affected by breed (P=0.029), the highest value being observed in White Leghorn (48.5%). Mortality in layers was affected by both breed (P=0.001) and watershed (P=0.000).  More than half of the indigenous breeds died at both watersheds, and the mortality rate for Fayoumi layers markedly varied (P=0.016) between the two watersheds (52.8 and 17.8% for Begasheka and Debre Kidan, respectively).



Watershed significantly affected the age at first egg laying of the three exotic breeds (Fayoumi, Rhode Island Red, and White Leghorn), with longer days generally observed in Begashek than in Debre Kidan. This might reflect the degree of overall care given to the birds and inclination of the farmers towards exotic poultry production. Demeke (2004) noted that sexual maturity in White Leghorn under intensive and extensive management ranged from 149-169 days, while in Rhode Island Red and Fayoumi crosses under intensive management ranged from 147-151 days (Rahman et al 2004). In this study, hatchability was computed on the basis of total eggs set and no distinction was made between losses due to infertility and embryonic mortality. More than 70% of the indigenous and White Leghorn eggs set were hatched and is comparable with other village poultry in Ethiopia (Tadelle et al 2003) and elsewhere (Moreki 2010).The relatively higher proportion of eggs hatched by the indigenous birds may be attributed to a number of factors such as lighter egg weight, small clutch size, and the presence of higher mortality of indigenous chicks that forced the farmers to restock the lost birds (Tadelle et al 2003). Only 39% of the eggs produced by Rhode Island Red hens were hatched, probably due to a negative correlation between heavier egg weight and its hatchability (Yassin et al 2008). Hatchability of eggs is a function of both maternal and paternal components, and the former has an overriding effect on genetic variation in hatchability of a fertile egg, which is attributed to the quality (external and internal) of the laid egg. Eggs stored for a longer period of time and collected from older age flocks are known to have lower hatchability (Yassin et al 2008). 


The number of eggs produced by the indigenous chickens is within the range reported by Tadelle et al (2003) for scavenging birds. All the three exotic breeds produced more than double the number produced by the indigenous chickens. The heaviest egg weight was obtained from Rhode Island Red and White Leghorn hens, which is a reflection of their larger body size (Leeson and Summers 1997). The live body weight achieved in the indigenous, Fayoumi and White Leghorn cockerels and pullets aged 8 months appears to be less than the desired target weight (1.5 kg for males and 30% less than this for females aged 6 months) suggested by AACMC (1984).    


The highest mortality recorded in Fayoumi and White Leghorn chicks and pullets can be attributed to their susceptibility to diseases and predation. In rural areas where exotic poultry breeds are provided to farmers through the agricultural extension system, the use of a portable hay box brooder has substantially reduced chick mortality (Demeke 2007). The highest mortality recorded in the indigenous layers was probably due to the presence of diseases such as Newcastle and absence of regular vaccination services. This is against the common belief that indigenous breeds of chicks are more resistant to diseases than exotic breeds (AACMC 1984).  The mortality figures found in this study are in sharp contrast with Demeke (2004) who reported 5 and 7% mortality for local and White Leghorn chicks under scavenging and intensive systems, respectively. Tadelle et al (2003) found up to 49% mortality in village chickens in Ethiopia while Kugonza et al (2008) reported up to 74% mortality in local chicks in Uganda. The major causes of poultry losses include Newcastle disease (Alemu and Tadelle 1998; Guéye 1998; Kusina and Kusina 1999), predation (Moreki 2010), and nutritional stress (Chitate and Guta 2001).


The key conclusions that can be drawn from this study are:


The first author (A.L.) acknowledges the financial help received from the Irish government through the Operational Research Project, and Mr Tsadikan, Mr G/giorgis and Mr Atakilty for their help during research design and data collection.



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Received 3 May 2010; Accepted 1 June 2010; Published 1 July 2010

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