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In this study, the milk production performance data from 1973 to 1998 of eight breed groups, at Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Centre dairy herd (Ethiopia) was analysed. The aim was to assess variations in different breed groups and define the factors that influence dairy performance traits. The General Linear Model (GLM) of Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS) was used to quantify both breed and environmental effects, including period (year-group), parity and seasons of calving on milk production traits.
The results showed that with the exception of season of calving, all the other factors exerted significant influences on total lactation milk, annual milk and average daily milk yields. The highest estimated least square means of milk yield (3083 kg for total milk and 2678 kg for annual milk yield) were obtained from Holstein Friesian cows followed by 3/4 Friesian crosses and Barca breed produced the lowest for both total milk (672 kg) and annual milk yield (673kg). On the base of annual milk yield Holstein Friesian cows remain top followed by ½ Holstein Friesian of Barca crosses and Barca cows produced the lowest annual milk yield. Both breed and period (year-groups) have significant effects on lactation length; however the differences between parity and season of calving were not significant. Lactation length ranged from 279 days for Barca to 362 days for Holstein Friesian cows. Calving interval was found to be significantly influenced by breed, parity and period. The minimum and maximum calving intervals were 400 and 498 days for 1/2 Holstein Friesian x 1/2 Barca and 7/8 Holstein Friesian x 1/8 Barca, respectively. Breeding efficiency was highest for F1 crosses and lowest for high grade and Holstein Friesian cows.
Under the prevailing feeding and management conditions, cows with 50 to 75 % Friesian inheritance would be recommended provided that sound breeding programmes are in place to maintain the recommended blood level.
Keywords: Crossbreeding, Ethiopia, Milk production, Zebu
The cattle indigenous to most tropical countries belong to the species Bos indicus. This species is well adapted to tropical environments. It possesses a high degree of heat tolerance, is resistant to tick borne and to other diseases occurring in the tropics, and has a low maintenance requirement. However, its potential for milk production is low. On the other hand, Bos taurus (European type) is the predominantly specialised dairy breed of the temperate countries. These breeds have high milk yield potentials but lack heat tolerance and disease resistance.
One way of improving tropical cattle regarding milk production is through crossbreeding with Bos taurus dairy breeds. This has been widely used in order to combine the high milk yield potential of exotic breeds with the adaptability of the local ones. The first crossbred generation (F1), usually from native females mated with exotic males, has been a success in most cases. The F1 crosses can produce up to three times more milk, and have longer lactation and shorter calving intervals than the local breeds (Kiwuwa et al 1983). However, back crossing to the European breeds gave rather disappointing results; i.e. milk yield increased only slightly or even declined, and fertility deteriorated. This is in addition to the lack of adaptation to tropical conditions (Syrstad 1989).
In Ethiopia, there are eight cattle breeds and most of them belong to the Zebu types with some Sanga and Sanga-Zebu intermediate (Alberro and Haile-Mariam 1982); however, their potential for milk production is low (IAR 1976).
Two of these local breeds, Barca and Boran are
not only the main sources of milk but also meat and draft power in Northern and
The data used in this study came from the
crossbreeding program of the Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Centre (DZARC), in the central
highlands of Ethiopia. Debre Zeit is
located at 8°44’latitude and 39°02’ longitude with an elevation of 1900 m.a.s.l. The
topography is generally flat with many small crater hills and mountains. The
dominant soils, which occur in flat and gentle slopes, are seasonally
waterlogged black clay soils or Vertisols with high
potential for cereals, and on some gentle and steeper slopes light soils or Andosols dominate. The climate is characterised to be
bimodal with two rainy seasons in a year. The short rainy season called belg occurs between March and May and the main rainy season
is during July to September. The average annual rainfall during the last 35
years is 825.4mm, the average monthly temperature was 17.98° and the
average monthly relative humidity was 52.4%.
Crop production is the dominant activity. Livestock also plays an
important role in the farming system.
The herd was established in 1971 with eight pregnant
Holstein Friesian (F) and seven F1 Holstein Friesian * Boran (FBo) cross-heifers
obtained from Alemaya College of Agriculture (now Alemaya University of Agriculture) in
All animals were assigned individual ear tag numbers.
At each calving, identity of the dam and sir, breed, sex, the date and identity
of the calf were recorded. The feeding practice was designed in such a way that
it gives continuous growth, with feed being offered in-group, regardless of
breed. Hay and maize silage constituted the major proportion of
the feed supply.
Whenever there was a short supply of hay, tef (Erogrostis tef) straw was substituted. At times, green alfalfa and
oat hay were also fed. In many instances however, there were feeding
irregularities over the years. Milking cows were supplemented with concentrate
composed of wheat
by-products and Noug seed
cake (Guizotia abyssinica) while they were milked. The amount depended
on the volume of milk from each cow. In all cases cows were mated naturally and
were managed in a loose housing system. Cows were hand milked twice a day.
Animals on the farm were regularly vaccinated against common infectious
diseases. Regular preventive treatments were administered against prevalent endo- and ecto- parasites.
Data (623 records) collected from 1973 to 1998 on milk
production traits of Barca, Friesian and their Barca*Friesian and Boran*
Friesian cows were used for the analysis. All data
with the exception of few records were included. After preliminary analysis, a
total of 15 records on total milk yield were excluded due to short (less than
150 days) and long (greater than 600 days) lactation. In the first analysis, 26
years of calving (from 1973 to 1998) were used in the model to correct the
effect of breed group for year of calving. The results obtained were unreal,
and difficult to interpret (for instance the milk production of Barca breed was underestimated). To minimise the gap
the local breed and its crossbreds these calving years were grouped into
six periods (year-groups) (Table 3) based on the changes in rainfall
distribution and management levels. This grouping technique is adopted with
slight modification from that used by Mekonnen and Goshu (1987). In order to see the effects of season of
calving, months of the year were classified into four seasons; short rains
(March-May), long rains (June-August), post-rainy seasons (September and October),
and dry season (November- February).
The maximum lactation in the original data was 9
(lactation 1 to 9). However, when 9 lactations were considered in the model,
the estimated least square means for lactation numbers 6 and greater than 6
were almost similar. Therefore, we decided to make lactation class 6 and
greater than 6
as one group in the final analysis. Calving interval
(days) for each lactation was computed as the difference between the start of
lactation and next calving.
The data were analysed using the General Linear Model
(GLM) of SAS (1987). The following mathematical model was applied to analyse
all traits:
yijklm = M + Li + Sj
+Pk + Bl
yijklm = Lactation milk yield, annual milk yield, average
daily milk yield, lactation length, calving interval and Breeding efficiency of
an individual cow with lactation i, in season j, year
groups k of breed group l
M = overall mean
Li = the effect due to the ith lactation number (i
= 1...6 )
Sj = the effect due to jth season of
calving (1, 2, 3 and 4).
Pk = the effect due to the kth year
group of calving (k = 1...6)
Bl = the effect due to the lth breed
group (l = 1...8)
eijklm = random error effect.
Breeding efficiency was computed according to Kiwuwa et al (1983). The estimated coefficients were
expressed as percentages.
BE = {(N-1) 390 + 960} / (age at each calving in days)
BE = breeding efficiency
N-1 = the number of calving intervals with N calving
390 = is the upper limit of desirable calving
intervals (days)
960 = is the upper limit of age at first calving
Annual milk yield was calculated as = (Total milk
(kg)/calving interval in days)*365 days
Unadjusted means for milk production traits and breeding efficiency are
presented in Table 1.
1. Unadjusted means for total milk, annual milk
average daily milk yield (Milk /ll), calving interval
(CI) and breeding efficiency (BE) of Barca,
Holstein Friesian, Barca* Holstein Friesian and Boran* Holstein Friesian crosses. |
groups |
Total milk, kg |
Annual milk, kg |
Milk/LL, Kg/day |
CI, days |
BE, % |
N* |
Mean |
N* |
Mean |
N* |
Mean |
N* |
Mean |
N* |
Mean |
Barca |
35 |
869 |
21 |
1099 |
32 |
4.46 |
43 |
397 |
--- |
--- |
1/2Barca* |
109 |
2055 |
93 |
1903 |
103 |
6.66 |
91 |
415 |
91 |
92.45 |
1/2Boran* |
87 |
1740 |
54 |
1752 |
87 |
5.93 |
59 |
440 |
59 |
98.99 |
1/4Barka* |
87 |
2214 |
74 |
1797 |
79 |
6.17 |
77 |
474 |
77 |
86.55 |
1/4Boran* |
129 |
2044 |
102 |
1689 |
126 |
5.77 |
107 |
471 |
107 |
87.08 |
1/8Barca* |
36 |
2381 |
15 |
1511 |
24 |
5.84 |
16 |
512 |
16 |
85.54 |
1/8Boran* |
35 |
1902 |
28 |
1420 |
23 |
5.55 |
31 |
493 |
31 |
81.21 |
90 |
3028 |
75 |
2611 |
81 |
9.99 |
82 |
460 |
82 |
82.61 |
* Number of animals |
2 Least Square Means (± SE) for total milk yield, annual milk yield, average daily milk yield
(milk/LL), lactation length (LL) and calving interval (CI) of Barca, Holstein Friesian, Barca*
Holstein Friesian and Boran* Holstein Friesian
crosses. |
group |
Total milk, kg |
Annual milk, kg |
Milk/LL, Kg/day |
LL, days |
Cl, days |
Barca |
672±196e |
674±224e |
± 0.69e |
279± 24c |
401± 24cde |
1/2Barca* |
2316± 98bc |
2042±106b |
± 0.26b |
± 11bc |
±14d |
1/2Boran* |
2088± 118cd |
1887±136cd |
6.36± 0.30cd |
328± 13 b |
426±19bd |
1/4Barca* |
2373±105b |
1953±111bc |
± 0.28b |
± 12 a |
448± 16ab |
1/4Boran* |
2336±96bc |
1975±106bc |
±0.25bc |
± 11 a |
436±15bce |
1/8Barca* |
2189±183bcd |
1558±239bc |
6.28±0.52bcd |
351± 22ab |
± 30a |
1/8Boran* |
1915±163d |
1501±173bcd |
5.98±0.50c |
341± 20 ab |
±24ab |
± 111a |
2679±120a |
± 0.39a |
362± 13 a |
458± 16ab |
± SE |
2134± 49 |
1784±66 |
± 0.15 |
338± 6 |
442±8 |
abcd Means within a
column followed by different superscripts are significantly different |
Daily milk yield was lowest for purebred Barca cows and highest for purebred
Holstein Friesian. Of the crosses of Holstein Friesian with Barca, the daily
milk yields were higher for 1/2 and 3/4 Holstein Friesian than for 7/8 Holstein
Friesian (Figure 1), but were less than for the purebred Holstein Friesian.
Figure 1: Mean daily milk yields per day of calving interval of Barca and Holstein Friesian cows and their crosses
The F1 Barca cows had a higher daily milk yield than F1 Boron cows, and this
superiority tended to be repeated in 3/4 and 7/8 crosses with Holstein Friesian
(Figure 2). These findings are supported by data from Holleta Research Station, in Ethiopia (Beyene 1992), where lactation yields for purebred Barca (675 kg)
were superior to those for Boran (494 kg).
![]() |
![]() |
Figure 2: Mean daily milk yields of crosses between Holstein Friesian and Barca and Boron cows | Figure 3: Mean milk yields per day of calving interval (CI) of crosses between Holstein Friesian and Barca and Boron cows |
In his review
of the performance of crossbreeds in the tropics, McDowell
concluded that the 3/4 crosses
with exotic breeds were superior in milk production compared to F1
crosses. This
is later review is in agreement with the findings of this study.
Another work also revealed that cows with exotic blood levels higher than 50%
were found to be more productive even under village conditions in
Total milk, annual milk and average daily milk yield
were significantly affected (p< 0.05) by
parity (Table 3).
3. Estimated least square means (± SE) for parity, period (year group) and season of calving of Barca, Holstein Friesian, Barca* Holstein Friesian and Boran*
Holstein Friesian crosses. |
N* |
Total milk, kg |
Annual milk, kg |
kg/day |
LL, days |
CI, days |
Parity |
1 |
169 |
1970±85cde |
1511±98b |
5.94± 0.24c |
364±10a |
460± 13a |
2 |
144 |
2099±85ae |
1710±98a |
6.43± 0.24b |
353±10ab |
±13a |
3 |
102 |
2314±96a |
1898±104a |
7.10± 0.25a |
343±11ac |
437±15ab |
4 |
86 |
2210±105ab |
1811±120a |
6.64± 0.28ab |
333±12bc |
±16ab |
5 |
54 |
2191±125ac |
1820±131a |
6.90± 0.33ab |
317± 14c |
± 19b |
6+ |
59 |
2023±128bcde |
1944±161a |
6.74± 0.36ab |
316± 16c |
± 22b |
Period |
1973-1978 |
86 |
2381± 147a |
2326±153a |
8.73± 0.38a |
301± 16c |
420± 21cd |
1979-1982 |
189 |
1730± 95c |
1629±103b |
6.26± 0.25bc |
294± 11c |
431 ±14bd |
1983-1986 |
157 |
1685± 83c |
1388±93c |
5.07± 0.23d |
343± 10b |
496± 13a |
1987-1990 |
98 |
2048 ±100b |
1764101b |
5.84± 0.28b |
353± 12b |
453± 14bcd |
1991-1994 |
58 |
2555 ±131a |
1958±140b |
6.59± 0.34b |
396± 15a |
467± 19ab |
1995-1998 |
25 |
2407± 13ab |
1639±330b |
6.75± 0.65bc |
339± 27bc |
382 ± 42cd |
Season of calving |
Mar-May |
135 |
83NS |
1852±98NS |
6.88± 0.26ab |
332± 7.9NS |
430± 13b |
Jun-Aug |
145 |
81NS |
1734±97NS |
6.13± 0.25c |
345± 7.5NS |
463± 13a |
Sept-Nov |
105 |
94NS |
1775±102NS |
6.55± 0.35abc |
8.2NS |
429± 14b |
Dec-Feb |
225 |
68NS |
1774±83NS |
6.60± 0.21ab |
331± 6.5NS |
445± 11ab |
* Number of animals |
In all cases estimated least square means increased up
to third parity, after
which total lactation and average daily milk yield declined
consistently. First and second lactation milk yields were significantly lower
(p< 0.05) and third lactation yields were significantly higher (p < 0.05), than the other lactation yields. Cows that were in the
third parity produced 21.5% more total milk than cows in the first parity. On
the base of annual milk yield, milk yield increased from parity one to parity
three and slightly decreased from parity three to parity four and
decreased then after. Cows with parity one still produced
significantly lowest annual milk yield than cows with other parities the
difference between other parities were not significant for annual milk yield.
Mackinnon et al (1996) also reported a decrease in
milk yield and lactation lengths after the third parity on crosses of Ayrshire,
Brown Swiss and Sahiwal in
In the present analysis, period-effects (year-groups)
were highly significant (p< 0.0001) for total lactation, annual and average
daily milk yield. Although there was no consistence trend, total lactation
milk, annual milk and milk/LL declined between 1973-1986
(period one to three) and increased from 1987 to 1994 and decreased then
after. This variation in milk yield over year group of calving might be related
with changes in climatic and other management conditions.
Season of calving had not significantly (p> 0.05)
influenced almost all traits. Similar results were reported on crosses of local
and Holstein Friesian cows on milk yield (Hirooka and
Bhuttyan 1995). This suggests that even in the
tropics, the influence of climatic conditions may be negligible under optimal
feeding and management conditions. Although season of calving had significant
influence on lactation yield, cows calving during the short rainy seasons
(March-May) produced the highest total lactation, annual and average daily milk
yields (Table 3)
Lactation length increased with proportion of Holstein
Friesian inheritance from 279 (Barca) to 362 days
(pure Friesian) (Table 2). The F1 crosses had the shortest lactation
length compared to other crosses. Lactation length obtained for Barca breed in this study was longer than reports for Boran (155 days) and almost similar to Horro
(285 days) cattle in
Calving interval was significantly (p<0.05)
affected by breed group, parity and period of calving (Tables 2 and 3).
However, season of calving did not show significant (p>0.05) effect on
calving interval. The high grade and Holstein Friesian cows had significantly
(p<0.05) longer calving intervals while F1 and the Barca breed had lower calving intervals. The mean calving
interval for Barca breed was 401 days which is lower
than 474 days of calving interval for Horro breed in
Means of breeding efficiency are given in Table 1. BE
were highest for 50% Friesian cross and lowest for 7/8 Friesian x 1/8 Boran cross and pure Friesian cows. The other crossbred
animals with different Holstein Friesian inheritance shared intermediate and
similar values of BE. These would indicate that crossbreed animals with 50% to
75% Holstein Friesian inheritance gives in better efficiency with respect to
reproductive performance, and the Holstein Friesian tended to have rather lower
efficiency than crossbred animals.
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Received 26 Decmber 2002; accepted 25 April 2003