Livestock Research for Rural Development 13 (5) 2001 | Citation of this paper |
(Paper presented at the workshop Malnutrition in Developing Countries: Generating Capabilities for Effective Community Action, IFAD September 19-20, 2001)
Empowering resource poor women contributes importantly to food security. Yet, the question needs to be answered how to reach them? Livestock projects have not been very good at that so far. A review of more than 800 projects concluded that there had been very little positive and sustainable impact on the poor. As an exception to this general rule, the Bangladesh Poultry Model is used to move poor women on a food subsidy on to a sustainable development path in which micro-credit plays an important role.
This paper examines this Model to derive lessons learned for development workers and especially livestock sector specialists. Further, the paper attempts to place the discussion of an appropriate livestock development approach that will contribute to reducing widespread malnutrition in a wider context. The current development debate centres on issues such as outreach of micro-credit programmes, the relationship between vulnerability and assets and the importance of learning from experience.
straightforward conclusion is that recipients and donors alike need to give much higher
priority to small animals such as poultry. These may act as starters in a
development process in contrast to larger animals. The latter do reach to a much lesser
extent the most vulnerable and food insecure households. It remains that reaching out is
not only a question of technologies, but of appropriate institutional arrangements,
policies and human capabilities.
years ago, Robert Chambers in his book Rural Development: Putting the Last
First referred to the development professionals pre-occupation with cattle (Chambers
1983, p. 77) and in a recent review of more than 800 livestock projects Ashley et al
(1999) noted that, indeed, most livestock projects had been cattle projects and they
concluded that the paucity of evidence that demonstrated any long-term sustainable impact
on the poor is disappointing and that Donors may need to rethink their approach to
the sector and develop a new paradigm for poverty reduction through livestock
(Ashley et al 1999, p.35).
comparison micro-credit programmes have been better at reaching the poor and have become
major supporters of livestock development as many loans have been invested in animals.
However, it is recognised that even the micro-credit programs have a problem to reach what
is termed the hardcore or ultra poor (Hashemi 1997 and 2001; Abed 2000; Chua et al 2000)
a problem that was recognised by several of the speakers in the Asian Regional
Conference on The Potential and Limitations of Economic Initiatives in Grassroots
Development Current Issues and Asian Experiences that took place in
Bangladesh in November 2000 (The papers can be downloaded from
the nutritional status of children is closely linked to womens empowerment and the
aim of the present paper is to review some experiences that will identify elements of a
Livestock Development Approach that will help poor women and their families to initiate a
process of asset build up that will contribute to empowerment, poverty alleviation and
thereby put an important condition in place for widespread nutrition improvement.
relationship has been dealt with in much more depth elsewhere, not the least by Sen
(1981). However, the point he made and which several authors have made is that people who
are adequately endowed and who have opportunities to exchange their goods also have the
opportunity to be satisfactorily nourished.
In a
recent review on Microfinance, Risk Management, and Poverty Chua et al (2000,
p. 105) illustrated the relationship between household vulnerability and assets (figure
1). The figure illustrates that the most vulnerable households are also those with the
least assets and that as asset mix and quantity increase the vulnerability of the
household will be reduced.
Figure 1. Relationship
between Household Assets and Vulnerability
the background of this general relationship between assets and vulnerability, the question
to ask of a livestock development approach becomes: how it can help the people in
extreme poverty to enter a path that will lead them on to an accumulation of
et al (1999, p. 21) distinguished between three livestock development approaches. One that
focused on increased market supplies of livestock products, a second that aimed to
increase the demand for labour and services and a third approach that works directly with
the poor to enhance the contribution that the animals can make to their livelihoods.
last point can be illustrated with food intake data from an impact study of a sample of
one thousand households involved in the Bangladesh Smallholder Livestock Development
Project (SLDP) (Table 1).
Table 1. Intake of
food by households before and after inclusion in the SLDP. |
(No/week) |
Chicken, |
Fish, |
times/month |
Milk |
Vegetables, |
Grain, |
Before |
1.8 |
2.1 |
10.0 |
0.9 |
0.8 |
12.1 |
12.1 |
After |
4.6 |
5.1 |
12.0 |
1.9 |
2.6 |
12.2 |
14.3 |
Source: Alam (1997). |
understand the data presented in Table 1, the reader must know that although the project
was named as a livestock project, the only animals the households participating in the
study kept were poultry for egg production. It
can be seen that there is some improvement in the consumption of eggs and chicken meat.
However, most of the eggs were sold and the income used to buy other food items like
cattle or goat meat and milk, while there was hardly any increase in vegetable
consumption, but there was an 18% increase in grain consumption from 12.1 to 14.3 kg per
week per household. The increased consumption of different types of food of animal origin
is important in particular for young children, pregnant and lactating women as these food
sources supply essential amino acids (See for an
explanation) like lysine and methionine that are more readily available to the human body
than those contained in food of plant origin.
to come back to the contribution that the right livestock strategy can make to the
livelihoods of people, it was noted in the same study that income from the sale of eggs,
apart from being used to improve the diet by adding variety and quality, it was used to
educate children and - where this was possible to begin a process of asset
accumulation. It can be seen that the contribution is not so much from the increased
domestic consumption of poultry meat and eggs by the producers as it is from the income,
which the poultry products generate.
In country after country the author
of the present paper has visited, not the least as a member of IFAD missions that provides
exposure to the poorer section of the population in accordance with IFADs mandate,
it has turned out that poultry is one of the few assets that poor households have (Tables
2 and 3). The data in Table 2 are from a survey in 1984 of 317 households in 4 villages in
Noakhali District, Bangladesh (de Lasson and Dolberg, 1985), while the data in Table 3 are
from a recent survey in Swaziland, but the message is the same.
Table 2.
Relationship between size of holding and type of livestock in Noakhali District,
Bangladesh. |
Land, Acres |
Bullocks |
Cows |
cattle |
Goats |
Poultry |
No |
% |
No |
% |
No |
% |
No |
% |
No |
% |
- 0 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
6 |
15 |
17 |
64 |
33 |
433 |
35 |
0 0.5 |
4 |
3 |
28 |
17 |
11 |
12 |
40 |
21 |
200 |
16 |
0.5 0.99 |
25 |
17 |
43 |
26 |
12 |
13 |
22 |
11 |
201 |
16 |
1.0 1.99 |
57 |
40 |
49 |
30 |
25 |
27 |
47 |
25 |
195 |
16 |
2.0 3.0 |
25 |
17 |
16 |
9 |
17 |
19 |
12 |
6 |
95 |
8 |
> 3 |
33 |
23 |
20 |
12 |
11 |
12 |
7 |
4 |
109 |
9 |
Total |
144 |
100 |
166 |
100 |
91 |
100 |
192 |
100 |
1233 |
100 |
Source: de Lasson and Dolberg (1985). |
2 shows that while bullocks were not kept by the landless, 80% of the bullocks were kept
by holdings with more than 1 acre, which, upon reflection, is not surprising as the
bullocks are used to cultivate the land. In contrast, there is a tendency that the smaller
the animal gets going from cows, to young cattle, goats and to poultry, the greater the
proportion of the animals in a village are kept by the landless. Thus, more than 50% of
the total number of goats as well as of poultry is kept by households with less than 0.5
acre of land.
Table 3. Distribution
of animal species in rural Swazi households (Percentage of households with the species). |
Pigs |
Goats |
Cattle |
Poultry |
16.3 |
46.0 |
50.0 |
92.5 |
Source: IFAD Interim Evaluation Survey (2001). |
Table 3 it can be seen that in Swazi rural households keeping of poultry is much more
widespread (92.5%) than of cattle, goats and pigs. Based on data from Namibia, Matsaert et
al (1998) have made it very clear that ownership of cattle is associated with relative
wealth as cattle owning households had an annual cash income of more than US$ 1000, while
households without cattle earned around US $ 200. In Tien (1998), data from Vietnam are
presented that document the same and Hans Askov Jensen has found the trend in Malawi
(personal communication) and Charlotte Vesterlund Pedersen in Zimbabwe (personal
Bangladesh a poultry model has been developed that reaches many more poor people,
especially women, than any other livestock development model (Saleque 2000 and the BRAC
website at seen
so far and it has the important quality that it reaches out to the vulnerable without
assets (Figure 1).
evolution of the model began in the late 1970s, when the BRAC identified poultry as a
potential source of income for poor women. The word evolution is chosen on purpose as it
conveys the associated connotations that much of the learning that led to the model was
through trial and error and not a pre-set design, which from the beginning would guide
this learning phase to success. The first intervention, which was tried, was exchange of
indigenous cockerels with exotic ones, and it failed. A regular vaccination program for an
entire village against the most common poultry diseases was successful as it reduced
mortality and increased the number of chicken and it led to an important feature of the
model, which is the inclusion of poor women as vaccinators work they now do against
a fee. Subsequently, rearing of day-old chicken was introduced as introduction of pullets
from government to villages met with high mortality. The women raised batches of 200 to
300 chickens till they reached 8 weeks of age at which time they were sold to other women,
who would rear them and keep the birds as adults for egg production. A first test of the
model the model is described in detail below was undertaken from 1983 till
1985 in co-operation with the Directorate of Livestock Services in Maniganj Upazila (An
Upazila is a sub-district). From 1985 till 1987 application of the model was scaled up to
32 Upazilas and in 1987 the model was applied to the Income Generation for Vulnerable
Group Program, which was a major proof of the models capacity to serve very poor
people as will be discussed in more detail below. Credit as a component of the model was
introduced in the late 1980s and the model saw large scale introduction to 400 000 women
and their families with the Smallholder Livestock Development Project (SLDP), which is a
project that was sponsored by the Directorate of Livestock Services of Government of
Bangladesh, IFAD and Danida (IFAD 2001a), while it was implemented by NGOs with BRAC as
the lead NGO. This project was followed by the Asian Development Bank/Danida sponsored
Participatory Livestock Development Project; a Danida sponsored Second Smallholder
Livestock Project. And the Model is used in the Bangladesh National Nutrition Program that
has donor support from the World Bank, Canada and The Netherlands and there may be
more! According to BRAC (,
in 1999 there were 1.3 million women with their families involved in this work, but to get
the total number of women involved in smallholder poultry production requires those
included in the programmes of other NGOs.
the first instant it may seem a simple matter to provide a poor woman with 10 birds.
However, the Model that now goes under the caption the Bangladesh Poultry Model is quite
sophisticated as it combines the need for large-scale outreach and services with
income-generation and employment.
following draws strongly from Jensen (1997), Saleque and Mustafa (1997), Saleque (2000)
and the July 2001 Status and Progress Report of the Participatory Livestock Development
Model has three prongs, each of which has a specialised function (Figure 2).
Figure 2. The
Bangladesh Poultry Model |
Production |
Supply |
Service |
Breeders |
Parent stock |
Village groups |
Hatcheries |
Feed |
Training |
Chicken rearers |
Vaccine/ medicine |
Credit/ saving |
Smallholders |
Marketing |
Extension |
Source: Jensen (1997). |
Area Office has responsibility for 6000 women in a given area as it is estimated that this
is the number required to make the Model based on micro-credit financially
self-sustainable, i.e. a part of the interest paid on the loan is used to pay for the
operation of the Area Office. It is the responsibility of the office to identify the women
to include in the programme, organise them in groups and train them technically as well as
in awareness raising and running of a group.
than 90% of the participants are smallholders, but they are supported by small
entrepreneurs that undertake various specialised functions like supply of chicken and
routine vaccinations. They operate under free market conditions and are allowed to sell to
customers outside the model.
the evolution of the model, feedback and learning have played and still play an important
role. It is explained by Saleque (2000) in this way:
BRAC managers operationalise numerous informal as well as formal feedback systems both upward and downward. Feedback takes place through the numerous meetings and constant dialogue that is held regularly at all levels (i.e. village, area, regional and head office level). Feedback from and to villagers (poultry rearers) provides a foundation for learning. The Program Organisers meet regularly with village groups, discussing issues and problems. Regional Managers and head office people visit village meetings or visit with individual villagers (rearers) when they are in the field. These meetings, together with informal discussions, form the basis for village feedback of the Program.
![]() |
Figure 3. Structural elements
underlying the Bangladesh Poultry Model (
short, there are strong elements reminiscent of the Kolb (1984 p.43) learning circle
(Figure 3) involved in the way the model has evolved. This circle underlines learning on
the basis of experience.
was mentioned in the introduction that generally micro-credit programs had been better at
reaching the poor than livestock development programs, but also that even the micro-credit
programs had problems to reach the hardcore or ultra poor (Hashemi 1997 and 2001; Abed
2000; Chua et al 2000). Obviously, that
leaves a challenge to identify types of interventions, institutional, technological and
otherwise that do reach these people.
question that this section seeks to answer is what is the evidence that the Bangladesh
Poultry Model reaches this group of ultra poor women and their families?
1975 the Government of Bangladesh with the support of the World Food Programme (WFP)
introduced the Vulnerable Groups Development Programme (VGD); subsequently this led to the
Income Generation for Vulnerable Groups Development (IGVGD) Programme. This Programme
targets the very poor and destitute and attempts to link them to mainstream development
activities. The target group according to Sattar et al (1999) are women and they have less
than 0.15 acres of land, they suffer from chronic food insecurity and they prefer regular
wage employment (to micro-credit). Many of
them have experienced divorce, a husband that has deserted them or a husbands
disablement or death. Each woman included in the IGVGD gets a card that entitles her to 30
kg wheat a month for a period of 18 months. In 1987 the Bangladesh Poultry Model was
applied to the Income Generation for Vulnerable Group Program together with other
summary of the number of women trained and the type of activities they were trained in is
presented in Table 4.
Table 4. Number
of Women trained under the IGVGD |
Training |
Period |
Total |
1988-90 |
1990-92 |
1992-94 |
1994-96 |
1997 |
99 |
Total |
40 744 |
57 929 |
105 504 |
185 096 |
248 129 |
284 860 |
922 262 |
Poultry |
40 744 |
57 929 |
105 504 |
185 096 |
248 129 |
198 630 |
836 032 |
Other |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
230 |
230 |
Source: Sattar et al (1999). |
first point to note is that until 1997 the training has exclusively been on poultry
production. From 1998 other subjects have been introduced and the term other
in Table 4 covers subjects like vegetable production (44 081 women) and cattle and goat
production (30 077 women) (Sattar et al 1999).
of this nearly one million women have graduated from their state of absolute
poverty to become micro-credit clients (Hashemi 2001, p.2). In other words, they have
begun a process of asset accumulation that can lead to food security for them and their
children, helped by the Bangladesh Poultry Model, something it is very unlikely an
approach based on cattle could have achieved. Questions remain; however, with regard to
the degree such assets will in fact be used to the benefit of women and children as
pointed out by Villarreal (2001).
replication is currently going on of the Model in Malawi in the context of the Danida
support to the Agricultural Sector. A major, initial problem was, indeed, to identify the
poor. The pilot villages are organised with a headman and each village has a Livestock
Development Committee that has a poultry sub-committee, which was anticipated to be
synonymous with the target group. However, an in-depth analysis showed that many of the
most food insecure often female headed households, that were food
self-sufficient for only three months after the maize harvest, had not been
included. The analysis found 25 potential participants in one village and 11 in another in
contrast to the Livestock Development Committee, which had found only 3 and 4,
respectively (Hans Askov Jensen, personal communication). Overall the survey found the
poorest isolated from the general village society as described and generalised by Chambers
(1983, chapter 5).
What happens once they are in the
micro-credit fold has been documented by Todd (1998) According to her, it is
the experience in micro credit programs across Asia that 60-80% of the first and second
loans are invested in animals. What is perhaps less well understood is that given
the opportunity of several loan cycles people do not necessarily stay with the same
animal species, but move on to other animals or other items altogether in their
investments of subsequent loans. This is illustrated in Figure 4. The data used in
constructing Figure 4 were gathered from poor women in Bangladesh, who had received micro
credit for ten years through the Grameen Bank (Todd 1998).
However, in order
to facilitate that as many poor people as possible get an opportunity to climb the
development ladder as depicted in Figure 4, it is important to plan a project in a manner
so that it will include many poor households from the beginning, which is why the main
focus should be on poultry as these are the animals food insecure households have and they
do not have many other assets. There may obviously be exceptions to this rule, but for the
sake of the argument of this paper, we stay with the rule.
Figure 4. Micro-credit recipients investment
ladder in some villages in Bangladesh
have been provided throughout the paper with regard to malnutrition. The argument is
simple. The really poor do not have large animals and so a livestock strategy that wants
to include many poor women and their families must focus on small animals and a strong
case is made for this to be poultry as this is the only animal poor women in many
countries have. It is not primarily for the families to consume poultry products, but to
generate income and get on to a process of asset building that will lead them out of
poverty and give them an opportunity to eat well. Poultry is a starter and the women and
their families will diversify and expand their activities, if they succeed, and not
necessarily expand their poultry production (Todd 1998).
with regard to the second theme on capabilities for effective community action a brief
analysis is undertaken of the production, supply and service functions of Bangladesh
Poultry Model (Figure 2) in the following. This analysis is undertaken by having a
continuum in mind with full centralisation and decentralisation as the extremes.
the area of production
much will depend on the choice of poultry breeds. If imported, exotic breeds are used, it
will inevitably introduce a critical element of centralisation as the supply of the
breeding material will have to come from a few central farms as is presently the case in
Bangladesh or as can be seen in a country like Eritrea, which relies on imported day-old
chicken from Egypt. An effective distribution network becomes critical in such a
situation. In their much decentralised, traditional systems, rural poultry keepers
experience high mortalities in their flocks as documented by Matthewman (1977) with data
from Nigeria a finding that has very general validity across countries and time.
However, a large proportion of this mortality takes place within the first eight weeks of
the life of the chicken due to poor nutrition, accidents and predators and not only
disease. Thus, the introduction of chicken rearers will help reduce mortality.
Technically, there may be less justification for the mini hatcheries as hatching rates are
often reasonable at around 70-80% in the traditional systems, but a mini-hatchery can be a
way to ensure a supply of day-old chicken to the chicken rearers. In remote areas
maintenance of local breeds will be critical for brooding as this attribute has been lost
in exotic birds.
regard to supply,
the question of parent stock will depend as discussed above on whether
exotic or local breeds are chosen, with local breeds representing the decentralised
solution. Feed can obviously be found locally as is evident from the millions of birds
that survive in villages all over the World, but some critical inputs from outside may be
required and can increase production as has been shown in work from Ethiopia (Dessie
1996). The whole area of supplementation is, however, one that deserves location specific
research attention in order to identify appropriate and economical supplements in a given
location. Without such work, there is a strong tendency for small poultry producers to
rely on commercial feed (Personal observation by the author based in missions for IFAD in
2000 and 2001 to Papua New Guinea and Swaziland ).
While mortality is not only due to diseases that can be prevented by vaccination (Oakley
2000), it is useful to undertake regular vaccination against the most common diseases such
as Newcastle Disease and the Bangladesh Poultry Models use of a poor woman as
vaccinator is very appropriate. However, vaccine production is centralised and supply
chains will need to be established. The degree of organisation and institutional support
that marketing will require will depend on the local conditions. But one advantage of eggs
is that although they are fragile, they are small in size, which lends them to flexibility
and divisibility in their marketing. The marketing aspects of the Bangladesh Poultry Model
have been dealt with in detail by Newnham (2000).
the Bangladesh Poultry Model as presented in Figure 2, group formation, training, credit
and extension comes under service. There is
much experience now in the areas of group formation and (micro-) credit, although the
challenge remains of including the most vulnerable, which is a key topic for discussion.
However, a major problem with regard to training in the technical aspects of the
Bangladesh Poultry Model as well as extension is that these areas have been grossly
neglected by recipients and donors alike and so only limited human capabilities exist in
technical support of the model.
there is interesting and useful work to do in support of animal production systems that
poor producers can use is demonstrated by Pinard-Van Der Lann et al (1998), who showed
that the Egyptian poultry line Fayoumi was more resistant to Coccidiosis than any of the
lines it was compared with, with the result that these birds survived, while birds
of other lines died. However, donors and recipients alike have ignored capacity building
and research in support of a livestock development approach as discussed in the present
paper. Most of the work undertaken by the CGIAR-system on animals is on ruminants and most
has been on cattle.
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) has supported research
on village poultry systems and, not the least, research on the development of the dry
Newcastle vaccine, but it is understood that its project in Mozambique is now terminated,
leaving only a project on development of a vaccine for the control of Gumboro for village
and small poultry holdings in Indonesia in its portfolio (
has for several years supported the International Network for Family Poultry Development (
The network
publishes a Newsletter, but does not control any substantial funds to support capacity
building and research.
its Rural Poverty Report 2001, IFAD (IFAD 2001b) has a section (p. 101) under
the heading The poor, types of livestock assets and livestock asset policies,
where it is mentioned that poor farmers are less likely than others to own several species
of animals (supported by Tables 2 and 3 of the present paper), that they are more likely
to have small stock and that small animals are often controlled by women and children.
This is followed up (p. 152) with this statement in the Poverty Report:
Chapter 3 examines ways to improve the benefits to the
rural poor from livestock assets. The implications for research and technology are: a
shift from cattle to animals more likely to be owned and managed by the poor (sheep,
goats, pigs, poultry, donkeys); and, within cattle technology, a shift (in research on
both productivity and disease control) towards small herds and their uses and feed.
this statement is new (2001) and still needs to be translated into action, although it
fits well with IFADs mandate and ambition to be a rural poverty knowledge base (
The most active contribution on the side of the donors is at the moment probably coming from Danidas support to replication of the model in Bangladesh and in modified ways in countries such as Malawi and Eritrea within its agricultural sector programmes and its support to the Network for Smallholder Poultry Development (
aim of the present paper was to review some experiences that can identify elements of a
Livestock Development Approach that will contribute to a process of poor womens
empowerment and poverty alleviation as this is a pre-condition for widespread nutrition
improvement for them and their children. The discussion has identified such elements. At a
technical level, the widest outreach to the poor will be through small animals and poultry
in particular as it is striking how poultry across countries is one of the few assets the
very poor people have. The Bangladesh Poultry Model has proven to be useful in that
country for poor women in their transit from recipients of donated food to their own
sustainable income generation and it can serve as a very useful vision to have of the
production, supply and service elements that need to be put in place to apply such an
approach on a large scale in other countries as well. For implementation and to reach out
to the poor women, other institutions than government institutions need to be in place as
there is practically no country with sufficient government staff and other resources to
reach out to the poor. The role deserves to be noticed that a well run micro-credit
programme can play in making the work of such institutions financially independent when
combined with technical, training and credit interventions like in the Bangladesh Poultry
Model. The governments role is obviously to create a policy environment that is
conducive for the approach to work, one important condition being organisational freedom.
Human capabilities will be required on a large scale and both governments and donors need
to attend to that. This includes research and the CGIAR system needs to get research in
support of the approach on its agenda. Finally, the poor tend to be isolated and unless a
special effort is made to reach them, they will easily be bypassed.
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